Cycle to work

Cycling to work gives you some breathing space to start your working day feeling refreshed and invigorated. You always know how long your route will take you and it is often quicker than by car during the morning rush hour. It is also a good way to build some exercise into your routine, especially if you will be sitting behind a desk for most of the day.

We have produced guides for commuters in Hereford showing the best routes to take to get to key employment areas like Rotherwas, the city centre and the north of the city.

Herefordshire Council supports businesses and their employees to make sustainable and healthy travel choices where possible, such as walking and cycling.

Travel for Work network

All Herefordshire businesses can register as members of the Travel for Work network, which provides free promotions, advice, information and support for employers and employees.

Over 100 businesses and organisations are already members, ranging from small businesses and charities to some of the largest employers in the county.

To register your business or organisation with the Travel for Work network simply complete the short application form:

Register with Travel for Work network

For further information and advice on supporting cycling in your business or organisation, please contact the Choose how you move team at