
The Portage Early Education Programme, is a home teaching scheme for families with a pre-school aged child, between 0 and 4 years old, who may have special educational needs or disabilities.

A portage worker from Herefordshire Council will liaise with parents to identify long term goals, before starting to take small steps to support the child with their development. The aim of each home visit is to decide on a play based activity, which is grounded in everyday situations, which the whole family can enjoy and practice together, to provide fun and success for the child.

Usually health visitors, paediatricians or physiotherapists refer to the portage service using the Herefordshire portage service referral form. This is a downloadable form for completion offline. View the Herefordshire portage referral criteria 2024.

To find out more about portage, take a look at the National Portage Association website.