Early years developmental checks

During your child's early years they will have regular health and development checks and reviews to make sure they are staying healthy and developing normally. In these reviews your child's hearing, weight, language, learning skills and growth will be checked.

The reviews are usually done by your health visitor or a member of their team. They may be done in your home or at the GP surgery, baby clinic or children's centre.

Remember to take your child's personal child health record, otherwise known as the 'red book', to your baby's appointments. It's a handy way for you and professionals to keep track of your child's health and progress.

Your baby will usually have reviews at the ages listed below. To find out more about what happens at your child's reviews visit the NHS website. If you have any concerns at other times, you can contact your health visitor or GP, or go to your local baby clinic.

  • Shortly after birth
  • One to two weeks
  • Six to eight weeks
  • Nine months to one year
  • Two to two-and-a-half years

Integrated review

When your child reaches two years old, it's an ideal time to see how well they're doing and assess their future needs.

At this stage they will usually have an 'integrated review'. This involves developmental checks and might include regular meetings between those involved with your child's development, such as their health visitor, childcare provider and children's centre (if applicable).

Ages and stages appointment

If you would like reassurance about how your child is developing, you can ask their health visitor for an 'ages and stages' appointment to identify any concerns that might need addressing.

The details of this check will be added to your child's health record, or 'red book', and shared with your child's early years childcare provider, but only if you agree.

Early Years Foundation Stage progress check

If your child is two or three and goes to an early years childcare provider, like a nursery or childminder, they have to have what is called an Early Years Foundation Stage progress check.

If you agree, the details of this will be shared with your child's health visitor.