National offer day for secondary transfers

Action to take when you receive your notification

All pupils resident in Herefordshire will be notified of their school offer on 3 March 2025.

If you applied by paper application you will receive a letter by post. If you applied online you will be notified by email.

If your email address has changed since you made the application, email for the attention of Dawn Skyrme, with name of your child and we will send the offer of school letter direct to your new email address.

Download your offer of school letter from the notification email

Click on the link in the email to download the offer of school letter. You will need to enter your email address and your child's surname and date of birth. These details need to be the same as those you entered when you created your account and made the application.

Your letter will state the school that has been offered and what you need to do next to:

  • Accept or decline the school offered
  • Request an alternative school(s)
  • Appeal against the refusal of a place at a requested school in Herefordshire

Accept a place

To accept a place for your child:

  • If the school is in Herefordshire, you do not need to take any further action.
  • If the school in is another Local Authority (LA) and you are accepting you must contact that LA to accept.

The school that has offered a place will contact you in due course with details about school uniform, taster days and summer starter information.

Request an alternative school

Parents can request a place at an alternative school to the one that has been offered. This could be because:

  • You weren't offered one of your preferred schools
  • You may have changed your mind, since offer day
  • You are requesting a place at a school you did not originally list on your application form

Requests must be submitted by Tuesday 11 March 2025 by email to for the attention of Dawn Skyrme Secondary Transfers Officer.

State on the email:

  • Your child’s name
  • Child's date of birth and address
  • Name of the school you are requesting as an alternative

You will be notified of the outcome of your request during the week of 20 March 2025.

We will offer places where we can in accordance with the schools over-subscription criteria. If there are more requests than places available and we cannot offer, your child will automatically be placed on a waiting list according to the school's over-subscription criteria.

Late applications are also taken into consideration at this point. Any request after this reallocation week will be looked at as and when it is received.

Waiting lists

If your child was not offered their highest or any of their preference schools they are automatically placed on the waiting list according to the over-subscription criteria of that school.

For information about school waiting lists including checking your child's current position and how waiting list places are ranked please either email or contact Dawn Skyrme on 01432 260925. Please note your child can move up or down on the waiting list.

If a place becomes available for your child from the waiting list we will automatically inform you by email.

Make an appeal

If your child was not offered their highest or any of their preference schools you can appeal against this decision. Your appeal will be decided by a panel which is independent of both the school and the council and the decision is binding on all parties.

The deadline for lodging appeals for secondary schools is 1 April 2025.

Appeal refusal of a school place