Average Herefordshire rubbish bin contents

Average Herefordshire bin contents 2022 by percentageContent type by percentage in the average rubbish bin in Herefordshire:

  • Reusable items 2.3% Have a look at our reuse and repair pages
  • Could be recycled from home 8.6% 1.4% of this was glass - if you have a recycling sack rather than
    a green bin, please take glass to a recycling centre or bring bank
  • Could be recycled elsewhere 9.1% for example foil, wood, soil, carrier bags. Check out our recycling A to Z for more information.
  • Compostable waste 26.5% for example fruit and vegetable peelings, flowers, which could be composted at home.
  • Non-compostable waste 15.8% for example meat and dairy. 57% of this waste was still in its packaging.
    You can reduce this by shopping smart, and storing food correctly, Love Food Hate Waste has lots of advice. If you need to dispose of something that can be eaten, please empty the food waste into your kitchen bin and give the packaging a quick wash before recycling it. Check if the packaging is recyclable by visiting our what to recycle page.
  • Waste that is not currently recyclable 37.7%


Waste analysis

What's in our rubbish survey 14 November - 10 December 2022

Between 14 November and 10 December a waste analysis survey is being carried out in our area. This involves collecting random samples of general rubbish (not recycling) and sorting through it to see what items are being thrown away by residents.

How it is being carried out

Your bin may be chosen for random sampling and you may see a different collection vehicle empty your black bin during the period the survey is taking place. If you do then you do not need to worry or contact us. The survey is completely anonymous and we won't be able to identify you or your household. Results will be recorded by area and will be anonymous with no information on waste from individual properties.

Properties have been selected randomly so if your bin is included in the survey, it doesn't mean there is an issue with your waste or what or how much you are throwing away.

If you live on the street of a property included in the sample then you may find your bin is collected later than usual between 14 November and 10 December. This is to allow the sampling team to get ahead of the waste collection crew. Waste collection crews will attend every street taking part in the survey to make sure waste is collected as normal. You should only report a missed bin collection to us if your bin is not collected at all on your usual collection day.

Who is carrying out the survey

This waste compositional analysis survey is being carried out by M.E.L Research, which is an experienced waste analysis company, on behalf of Worcestershire County Council's waste disposal contractor Severn Waste Services. They will be carrying identification with them.

How we'll use the results

The results of the survey will be used to help us plan the future of waste collection and disposal services in our district and help us provide residents with improved information about how to reduce their waste and recycle more.