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Showing planning applications 2811 to 2820 of 3833 Ross-on-Wye View results as an RSS feed
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Application number | Site address | Description | Type | Status | Comments by |
DS050113/L | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, Rear Of No 28 Brookend Street Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7EE | First floor extension to rear of existing shop to form 1 bedroom self contained flat | Listed Building Consent | Determination Made (Refused) | Wednesday 16 March 2005 |
DS050104/F | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, Rear Of No 28 Brookend Street Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7EE | First floor extension to rear of existing shop to form 1 bedroom self contained flat | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Refused) | Wednesday 16 March 2005 |
DS050004/O | Ross Rural - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye West - prior 2015, Land Adjoining High Willows Greytree Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 7HU | Site for proposed house and new access for High Willows. | Outline | Determination Made (Refused) | Monday 14 March 2005 |
DS050002/F | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, Plot 11b The Walled Gardens Ross Court, Ross-On-Wye, Heref | 1 No. 4 bed detached house with internal garage and sunroom to rear. Revision to approved planning application SE2002/0518/F. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Wednesday 9 March 2005 |
DS050079/F | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, Appletree House Weston Grove Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 5LU | Two storey extension, conservatory to rear. Carport. Facing bricks to bay window at front. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Monday 14 March 2005 |
DS050074/F | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, Broadmeadows Industrial Estate Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire | Formation of compounds. Erection of fences and gates. | Planning Permission | Decision Made (Deemed Withdrawal) | Tuesday 17 October 2006 |
DS045027/F | , , John Kyrle High School Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7ET | Provision of a multi-sports area with new access and car parking on the Oveross playing field site. Provision of a synthetic turf pitch and associated floodlighting on the main school site | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Council Approved Application) | Friday 15 April 2005 |
DS045170/L | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye West - prior 2015, Merton House Edde Cross Street Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 7BZ | To sun room - replacement of timber panels below windows with painted and rendered blockwork. | Listed Building Consent | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Friday 11 February 2005 |
DS045033/F | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye West - prior 2015, Site To The Rear Of 4 The Homs Homs Road Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 7DG | Erection of a 3 bedroom dormer bungalow. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Refused) | Tuesday 4 January 2005 |
DS045175/F | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, 13 Alton Street Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire | Single storey extension. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Monday 14 February 2005 |