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Showing planning applications 2291 to 2300 of 3859 Ross-on-Wye View results as an RSS feed
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Application number | Site address | Description | Type | Status | Comments by |
DS073210/L | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, 50A Broad Street Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7DY | Internal shop fit out including internal decorations and new external shop signage. | Listed Building Consent | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Wednesday 7 November 2007 |
DS073213/O | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, Trelleborg Site Alton Road Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 5NF | Outline planning application for the redevelopment of existing site for a mixed use development, including office (B1) Manufacturing (B2) and Bulky goods retail (A1) uses. | Outline | Determination Made (Refused) | Thursday 27 December 2007 |
DS073195/F | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye West - prior 2015, Kings Head Hotel High Street Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire | Conversion of and first and second floor extension to disused garage building at rear of hotel to create three storey building of 9 no. flats. | Planning Permission | Appeal Determined (Refused) | Friday 7 December 2007 |
DS073068/F | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, 6 Cantilupe Road Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7AN | Erection of wooden pressure treated board lattice fencing. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Thursday 22 November 2007 |
DS073166/F | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, 35 Alton Street Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5AG | Demolition of existing single storey kitchen/bathroom extension. To bereplaced with two storey kitchen/bedroom/bathroom extension. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Tuesday 20 November 2007 |
DS073039/F | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, Ashdean Kent Avenue Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 5AQ | Conversion of existing garage to a veterinary practice. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Refused) | Friday 9 November 2007 |
P073134/K | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye West - prior 2015, Cliff House Ashfield Park Road Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 5AS | Fell or crown reduce one Lime | Works to Trees in a Conservation Area | Decision Made (Undecided) | n/a |
DS072873/A | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, 50a Broad Street Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7DY | Proposed fascia sign and Proposed Projection Sign. | Advertisement Consent | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Wednesday 31 October 2007 |
DS072948/F | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, The Old Canoe Store Millpond Street Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 7AP | Proposed additional unit to approved scheme Ref: DCSE2007/0645/F. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Thursday 6 December 2007 |
DS072625/F | Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, 11 Croft Lane Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7DY | Change of use to A2 (financial and professional services). | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Wednesday 14 November 2007 |