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Showing planning applications 61 to 70 of 228 Ocle Pychard View results as an RSS feed
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Application number | Site address | Description | Type | Status | Comments by |
P181295/O | Ocle Pychard, Three Crosses, Land adjacent to Forge House Burley Gate Herefordshire | Outline for 5 dwellings and associated works including matters of access, appearance, layout and scale. The matter of landscaping is reserved for future consideration. (For DOC 3,6,9 & 14 see 210756) | Outline | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Monday 4 June 2018 |
P180801/XA2 | Ocle Pychard, Three Crosses, Land to the East of Holme Copse House and Brick House Ocle Pychard Herefordshire HR1 3RE | Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 2 7 & 9 attached to planning permission 170609. | PP - Approval of details reserved by condition | Determination Made (Approved) | n/a |
P180712/PA7 | Ocle Pychard, Three Crosses, Monkton Farm Ocle Pychard Hereford Herefordshire HR1 3QQ | Proposed construction of an irrigation reservoir with approximately 200,000m3 water capacity | All others - Prior Approval | Determination Made (Prior Approval Not Required) | Thursday 22 March 2018 |
P180301/F | Ocle Pychard, Three Crosses, Middle House Burley Gate Hereford Herefordshire HR1 3QP | Erection of an agricultural building and associated works for barn eggproduction. (For DOC4 see 192086) | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Friday 2 March 2018 |
P180152/O | Ocle Pychard, Three Crosses, Land adjacent to Sebastapol Cottages Monkton Burley Gate Hereford | Site for the proposed erection of 2 semi detached dwellings and a 3 bedroom cottage, with parking. | Outline | Determination Made (Refused) | Wednesday 28 February 2018 |
P180001/XA2 | Ocle Pychard, Three Crosses, Lower Castleton Westhide Hereford Herefordshire HR1 3RF | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 3 attached to Listed Building consent 161875 | PP - Approval of details reserved by condition | Determination Made (Approved) | n/a |
P174056/O | Ocle Pychard, Three Crosses, Land to the East of Holme, Copse House Holme Oaks Ocle Pychard Herefordshire HR1 3RE | Site for one 4 bedroom house with detached single storey garage. | Outline | Determination Made (Withdrawn) | Thursday 30 November 2017 |
P173961/O | Ocle Pychard, Three Crosses, Land to the south of the A465 Burley Gate Herefordshire | Outline application for 20 new dwellings, 7 of which are affordable homes, together with a site for a community shop and parking. | Outline | Determination Made (Withdrawn) | Monday 27 November 2017 |
P173918/O | Ocle Pychard, Three Crosses, Land adjacent to Forge House Burley Gate Herefordshire | Site for up to 12 dwellings (including 35% affordable), access and associated works. Matters of appearance, layout, landscape and scale are reserved for future consideration. | Outline | Determination Made (Withdrawn) | Monday 27 November 2017 |
P173652/XA2 | Ocle Pychard, Three Crosses, Lower Castleton Westhide Hereford Herefordshire HR1 3RF | Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 5 & 7 attached to planning permission 161874 | PP - Approval of details reserved by condition | Determination Made (Approved) | n/a |