Keeping The Focus on Fixing Herefordshire’s Roads This Pothole Day
National Pothole Day is an annual reminder of the impact potholes can have on local residents and the important role that targeted investment plays in tackling this scourge on our county.
Cabinet welcomes Children’s Services reports
At its meeting today, Thursday 19 December 2024, Herefordshire Council’s Cabinet received two reports from Children’s Services.
Business and civic leaders celebrate £60m investment success at Skylon Park
Civic leaders joined business leaders at a special event to celebrate £60m of investment at Skylon Park, Hereford Enterprise Zone.
Local children name county’s gritters
Residents will now know how to address their gritting lorry, thanks to the efforts of local children who worked to give every new gritter in the county a name.
Christmas opening times 2024
Find out what's open when over the festive period.
Support for our Veteran and Armed Forces community during the festive period
Christmas is exciting for many. But it can be one of the loneliest and most challenging times of the year for our Armed Forces community
Council continues free school meals support for Herefordshire children this Christmas
Thousands of Herefordshire children and young people in nurseries, schools and colleges will continue to receive free school meals support during the Christmas school holidays.
Works to address tree health begin
Works are under way to fell and replace diseased Ash trees in Herefordshire, in accordance with the council’s Ash Dieback Action Plan.
Body-worn cameras helping to tackle inappropriate behaviour
A Herefordshire man has been prosecuted for littering following a dramatic altercation in Ross-on-Wye, thanks to footage from a Civil Enforcement Officer’s bodycam.
Shape the future of Herefordshire’s Pharmacy Services
We’re inviting you to have your say on pharmacy services in Herefordshire
Local schools take over climate negotiations in mock COP29 conference
Students from seven local schools took on the role of negotiating teams during the United Nations climate change conference (COP29) at a youth climate summit organised and hosted by Herefordshire Council.