About fly tipping

The following are examples of fly tipping and are all illegal:

  • Dumping rubbish or waste on any land where there is no waste management licence, including public highways
  • Leaving rubbish or waste outside household waste recycling centres
  • Putting items by communal bins, wheelie bins or in refuse areas
  • Giving your waste to someone else to fly-tip
  • Allowing the dumping of waste on your property.

We will take action against any householder or business who illegally disposes of their waste or does not ensure that their waste is collected by a registered waste carrier.

There are dedicated pages to report an abandoned shopping trolley or vehicle.

Report fly tipping form or use the ReportingApp

Vehicle seizures for waste crimes

If a vehicle, trailer or mobile plant and their contents are being, have been or will be used to commit a waste crime such as fly-tipping, we can seize a vehicle and its contents under the Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989 or the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

A vehicle can be seized if it is:

  • Used in fly-tipping
  • Driven by somebody who is not registered as a waste carrier
  • Used to move waste to somebody who is not registered as a waste carrier
  • Being used at a site that is breaking the rules of an environmental permit

The details of any vehicles seized will be published here and also displayed in Herefordshire Council Office, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0LE. The information will be displayed on the first working day after the vehicle has been seized and will be displayed for at least 15 days after that.

The police and the registered keeper will be notified in writing that the vehicle has been seized.

Current vehicle seizure notices

Vehicle seizure notice for KX53 DRV issued on 12 September 24
