If someone dies

We understand that there is a lot to arrange when someone dies. Herefordshire Council is part of the 'tell us once' service, which lets you report a death to a number of Government organisations in one go. The registrar will offer you the opportunity to register for this free service at the death registration appointment. It can ease some of the burden of paperwork and phone calls by enabling you to report the death once, to multiple departments.

If the number of occupants in your house change, you should let the Council Tax department know as soon as possible. If there is only one adult who remains at the property, a 25 per cent discount may be claimed.

If the property is now unoccupied and was owned by the person who has died, it is exempt from Council Tax for up to six months after probate has been granted, providing it remains unoccupied and ownership has not changed. After the exemption ends, the full charge is due from either the beneficiaries or the estate, depending on whether ownership has transferred. You can help us keep our records up to date by confirming the exact date that probate is granted and the sale details when they are known, for example the date of sale, the names of the purchasers and their current address. We will then amend our records and send any refund or final bill to either the beneficiaries or the executors (whichever is applicable).

We will require following information:

  • The name and address of the person who has died
  • The date of death
  • The full name, address and telephone number of the executors/solicitors dealing with the person's estate
  • The full name(s) of any person(s) (aged 18 or over) who still live at the address
  • Confirmation of whether the property is unoccupied after the person's death and whether they owned or rented it
  • If the property was rented, please provide the full name and address of the owner or managing agent and whether it was a furnished or unfurnished let. Please also provide the date the tenancy is due to end

Council Tax contact details

Phone lines are open: Monday, Thursday and Friday 10am to 4pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 1pm to 4pm. We are unable to accept cash payments at our customer services offices, cash payments can be made at a post office.

Address: Address for correspondence only: Council Tax Section, Revenues and Benefits, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE or

Visit our customer service centre in Hereford to pay in person

Telephone: 01432 260360

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