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Showing planning applications 821 to 830 of 930 'weobley' View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
DCN023469/L Weobley, Z_Weobley 1998-2003, Ursa House 10 Broad Street Weobley Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 8SA General alterations and re roofing Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 18 December 2002
DCN023463/F Weobley, Z_Weobley 1998-2003, Land Adjacent To The Red Lion Church Road Weobley, Herefordshire Erection of two storey dwelling and associated new vehicular access Planning Permission Determination Made (Refused) Monday 16 December 2002
P023279/K Weobley, Z_Weobley 1998-2003, The Pipping Back Lane Weobley, Hereford, Herefordshi HR4 8SG Taking down to ground level Purple Plum and Apple trees Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) Thursday 14 November 2002
DCN022962/L Weobley, Z_Weobley 1998-2003, High House Kington Road Weobley, Hereford, Herefordshi HR4 8SF Replacement ground floor front window & return panel. Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 28 November 2002
DCN023087/F Norton Canon, Z_Castle 1998-2003, The Old School Norton Canon Nr Weobley, Herefordshire HR4 7BH Change of use of agricultural land to form access and parking for proposed school. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 27 November 2002
DCN022961/L Weobley, Z_Weobley 1998-2003, Fenmore Kington Road Weobley, Hereford, Herefordshi HR4 8SF Two-storey extension to dwelling, Re-location of vehicular access and erection of garage. Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 15 November 2002
DCN022960/F Weobley, Z_Weobley 1998-2003, Fenmore Kington Road Weobley, Hereford, Herefordshi HR4 8SF Two storey extension to dwelling, re-location of vehicular access and erection of garage, change of use of land for new access from agricultural to domestic. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 15 November 2002
DCN022915/F Weobley, Z_Weobley 1998-2003, Maplehurst Holmleigh Drive Weobley, Herefordshire Proposed new garage. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 5 November 2002
DCN022222/F Weobley, Z_Weobley 1998-2003, Land To The Rear Of Maplehurst Holmleigh Drive Weobley, Herefordshire Proposed demolition of existing sheds and erection of 2 one and a halfstorey cottages with ancillary garages. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 5 November 2002
P022860/K Weobley, Z_Weobley 1998-2003, 74 Bearcroft Weobley Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 8TD Removal of Silver Birch tree Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) Monday 30 September 2002