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Showing planning applications 551 to 560 of 1025 Pembridge View results as an RSS feed
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Application number | Site address | Description | Type | Status | Comments by |
NW092313/L | Pembridge, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Oakview West Street Pembridge, Leominster, Herefor HR6 9DX | Proposed lean-to to rear and the repositioning/replacement of a ground floor window and door to side elevation. | Listed Building Consent | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Friday 9 October 2009 |
NW092312/FH | Pembridge, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Oakview West Street Pembridge, Leominster, Herefor HR6 9DX | Proposed lean-to to rear and the repositioning/replacement of a ground floor window and door to side elevation. | Full Householder | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Friday 9 October 2009 |
NW091492/FH | Pembridge, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, The Smithy Weston Pembridge, Leominster, Herefor HR6 9JE | Single storey extension to provide kitchen extension and lobby area. | Full Householder | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Tuesday 29 September 2009 |
NW091852/F | Pembridge, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, The Yeld Lyonshall Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3LY | Proposed re-siting of earth screen bund. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Tuesday 15 September 2009 |
NW091823/F | Pembridge, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Weston Court Barn Weston Pembridge, Leominster, Herefor HR6 9JE | Proposed insertion of mezzanine floor and roof lights; insertion of first floor and external staircase to create storage area in garage. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Wednesday 9 September 2009 |
NW091916/E | Pembridge, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Sherrington Manor Farm Broxwood Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 9JR | Proposed removal of two electricity poles and erection of two 14m electricity poles. | Electricity Consultation | Determination Made (No objection) | Monday 31 August 2009 |
DCN091439/F | Pembridge, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Milton Farm Pembridge Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 9LB | Proposed 11 bay lean-to extension off existing building. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Tuesday 1 September 2009 |
DCN091465/F | Pembridge, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, The Coach House Westbury Pembridge, Herefordshire HR6 9HZ | Change of use of barn attached to single dwelling into additional accommodation. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Tuesday 11 August 2009 |
DCN091082/F | Pembridge, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Sherrington Manor Farm Broxwood Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 9JR | Proposed additional poultry house and feed bins alongside existing four poultry houses. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Wednesday 19 August 2009 |
DCN083392/L | Pembridge, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Moorcourt Farm Lyonshall Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3JZ | Alteration of agricultural building to farm office/staff rest room foragricultural workers and storage of fruit equipment. | Listed Building Consent | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Tuesday 21 July 2009 |