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Showing planning applications 61 to 70 of 125 Little Cowarne View results as an RSS feed
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Application number | Site address | Description | Type | Status | Comments by |
N121501/FH | Little Cowarne, Bromyard - prior 2015, Cherry Orchard Little Cowarne Bromyard Herefordshire HR7 4RQ | Internal alterations to existing outbuilding to becomE part of dwelling with new attached store and detached double garage | Full Householder | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Monday 30 July 2012 |
N121274/F | Little Cowarne, Bromyard - prior 2015, Hill Top Little Cowarne Bromyard Herefordshire HR7 4RG | Removal of condition 1 of Planning permission MH91/0455 from agricultural occupancy. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved) | Monday 9 July 2012 |
N120575/L | Little Cowarne, Bromyard - prior 2015, Cherry Orchard Little Cowarne Bromyard Herefordshire HR7 4RQ | Internal alterations to existing outbuildings to become part of dwelling with new attached store and detached double garage. | Listed Building Consent | Determination Made (Withdrawn) | Tuesday 27 March 2012 |
N120574/FH | Little Cowarne, Bromyard - prior 2015, Cherry Orchard Little Cowarne Bromyard Herefordshire HR7 4RQ | Internal alterations to existing outbuildings to become part of dwelling with new attached store and detached double garage. | Full Householder | Determination Made (Withdrawn) | Tuesday 27 March 2012 |
N120547/AM | Little Cowarne, Bromyard - prior 2015, Box Cottage Little Cowarne Bromyard Herefordshire HR7 4RQ | Further amendment to previous non-material amendment DMN/111092/AM. Toadd window to ground floor bedroom and first floor sitting room and alter position and height of chimney. | Non Material Amendment | Determination Made (Approved) | n/a |
N113002/S | Little Cowarne, Bromyard - prior 2015, Hill Top Little Cowarne Bromyard Herefordshire HR7 4RG | Agricultural building for storage of hay/straw and farm vehicles. | Agricultural/Forestry Developments | Determination Made (Prior Approval Not Required) | Thursday 17 November 2011 |
N111092/AM | Little Cowarne, Bromyard - prior 2015, Box Cottage Little Cowarne Bromyard Herefordshire HR7 4RQ | Non-material amendment to planning permission DCNC0009/1759/F (proposed house extension by replacement of existing hay barn) - replace fully glazed gable wall with traditional window and door layout and add window to south east elevation. | Non Material Amendment | Determination Made (Approved) | n/a |
N111176/E | Little Cowarne, Bromyard - prior 2015, Electrical Line at Shortwood Pencombe Bromyard Herefordshire HR7 4RP | Addition of one underground service to existing line. | Electricity Consultation | Determination Made (No objection) | Tuesday 14 June 2011 |
N110787/F | Little Cowarne, Bromyard - prior 2015, Meadow End (formerly Laburnum) Little Cowarne Bromyard Herefordshire HR7 4RG | Proposed single storey dwelling as an amendment to extant permission (N99/0036/N). | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Wednesday 18 May 2011 |
N110361/F | Little Cowarne, Bromyard - prior 2015, Butters Pool Little Cowarne Bromyard, Herefordshire HR7 4RG | Demolition of existing rear flat roof extensions, construction of two storey extension to rear of property including a single storey conservatory, fitting of conservation style rooflight on front elevation, regularistion of change of use of piece of land on western boundary from agricultural to domestic use as designated by existing stock fence. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Thursday 17 March 2011 |