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Showing planning applications 431 to 440 of 791 Holmer and Shelwick View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
P130969/FH Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, 6 Lytham Drive Holmer Hereford Herefordshire HR1 1PZ Covered open fronted garden structure (retrospective) Full Householder Determination Made (Approved) Friday 7 June 2013
P131115/J Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, 3 Cleeve Orchard Holmer Hereford Herefordshire HR1 1LF Remedial work to the Silver Birch 243 (G1) Works to trees covered by TPO Determination Made (Trees covered by TPO – Consent Granted) n/a
P131112/J Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, 46 Cleeve Orchard Holmer Hereford Herefordshire HR1 1LF (T1) and (T2) Ash trees reduce by 20%, for safety and to allow more light to house Works to trees covered by TPO Determination Made (Determination Declined) n/a
P130830/FH Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, 2 Northcote Munstone Hereford Herefordshire HR1 3AD Demolition of existing single storey kitchen and construction on new single storey extension, new conservatory and extension at first floor Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 30 April 2013
P130771/H Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Holmer House Farm Holmer Hereford Herefordshire HR4 9RG Remove 200m length of hedgerow at Holmer House Farm. Hedgerow Removal Decision Made (Hedgerow Removal Notice) n/a
P130426/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Former Pomona Works Attwood Lane Holmer Hereford HR1 1LJ Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 34 no houses and garages together with roads, sewers and associated external works. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Sunday 14 April 2013
S130192/FH Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, 4 Orchard Close Hereford Herefordshire HR4 9QY Proposed two storey side extension and alterations to existing single storey rear extension. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 6 March 2013
S123584/M Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Lugg Bridge Quarry Bromyard Road Lugg Bridge Hereford Herefordshire HR1 3LZ Variation of condition 5 of permission DCCE2008/2451/M - that the dates of 31st December 2012 and 30th June 2013 be substituted by 31st December 2017 and 30th June 2018 within condition no 5. Minerals Determination Made (Withdrawn) Monday 18 February 2013
S123479/FH Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Greenways Munstone Road Hereford Herefordshire HR1 1LG Construction of detached single garage and studio to replace existing. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 24 January 2013
S122967/FH Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, 8 Belle Bank Avenue Holmer Hereford Herefordshire HR4 9RL Proposed single storey extension, demolition of existing garage and proposed building of new garage Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 26 November 2012