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Showing planning applications 181 to 190 of 338 Dinedor View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
P133166/F Dinedor, Hollington - prior 2015, Marches Building Supplies (Taylor Lane Timber Frame Ltd) Gatehouse Road Hereford Herefordshire HR2 6RQ Change of use of land to car parking facilities. Planning Permission Determination Made (Refused) Tuesday 18 February 2014
P131578/F Dinedor, Hollington - prior 2015, Kidwells House 4 Coldnose Road Rotherwas Industrial Estate Hereford Herefordshire HR2 6JL Single storey detached gymnasium to the rear. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 19 July 2013
P130999/F Dinedor, Hollington - prior 2015, Old Mill Dinedor Hereford Herefordshire HR2 6LH Proposed general agricultural building for storage and stock housing together with new access onto B4399 and closure of existing access. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 20 May 2013
P130606/FH Dinedor, Hollington - prior 2015, The Laurels Dinedor Hill Dinedor Hereford Herefordshire HR2 6PD Retrospective works to increase height of main roof, general structural and aesthetic improvements to property and a replacement conservatory. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 1 May 2013
P130614/F Dinedor, Hollington - prior 2015, Maes Y Felin Dinedor Hereford Herefordshire HR2 6PE Erection of a general purpose agricultural building and construction of a hardstanding area. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 8 April 2013
P130552/FH Dinedor, Hollington - prior 2015, Birchan Dinedor Hereford Herefordshire HR2 6LQ Proposed conservatory to rear of property. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 11 April 2013
P123310/F Dinedor, Hollington - prior 2015, Barn adj The Laurels Dinedor Hill Herefordshire HR2 6PD Conversion of barn to single dwelling and erection of mitigation building (revised scheme to previous permission DCCE/100340/F) Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 1 March 2013
S122820/CD Dinedor, Hollington - prior 2015, Land at Fir Tree Lane Rotherwas Herefordshire New Archive and Records Centre for Herefordshire Council, including repositories, conservation rooms, staff offices, education spaces, search room and exhibition space to enable members of the public to view artefacts. Council Development Determination Made (Council Approved Application) Wednesday 28 November 2012
S122598/F Dinedor, Hollington - prior 2015, Former Waste Transfer Site Fir Tree Lane Rotherwas Hereford HR2 6LA Temporary change of use for 3 years to vehicle driving test and training centre. Siting of 2 portacabins to provide waiting room, office, toilet and storage. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 24 October 2012
S122475/AM Lower Bullingham, Hollington - prior 2015, From Outfall Works Road through Rotherwas to B4399 Hereford Non material amendment to planning permission DMS/111601/F:Various changes to North Ramp of wye bridge. handrails on bridge & north ramp,lighting and inclinations of parapets. Non Material Amendment Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) n/a