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Showing planning applications 21 to 30 of 523 Almeley View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
P233163/RM Almeley, Castle, Land at Spring Grove Farm Wootton Lane Almeley Herefordshire HR3 6PX Proposed variation of condition 1 of planning permission 224306 (Outline application with all matters save access reserved for the erection of 3 dwellinghouses with garages and access off private road)to add drawing for amendments made to house on plot 3 (DOC 2 see 240621) Approval of Reserved Matters Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 1 December 2023
P232572/L Almeley, Castle, Little Upcott Almeley Hereford Herefordshire HR3 6PR Proposed application for the retention of existing alterations - retention of concrete ground floor; new walls and ring beam in cellar;leaded window in Northern end of house; four similar leaded windows ineastern wall; two windows in southern elevation; two windows in west elevation; re-pointing of house; installation of chimney liner to mainchimney. Planning consent for both stone garage and corrugated iron garage. Retrospective. Listed Building Consent Valid (Undecided) Thursday 23 November 2023
P232571/FH Almeley, Castle, Little Upcott Almeley Hereford Herefordshire HR3 6PR Proposed application for the retention of existing alterations - retention of concrete ground floor; new walls and ring beam in cellar;leaded window in northern end of house; four similar leaded windows ineastern wall; two windows in southern elevation; two windows in west elevation; re-pointing of house; installation of chimney liner to mainchimney. Planning consent for retention of the stone garage and corrugated iron garage. Retrospective. Full Householder Valid (Undecided) Thursday 23 November 2023
P232985/K Almeley, Castle, Ross Cottage Almeley Hereford Herefordshire HR3 6PT Removal of several dead ash trees with ash die back Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) Thursday 2 November 2023
P232909/AM Almeley, Castle, New House Farm Almeley Herefordshire HR3 6LJ Non-material amendment to previous permission 204593 (Prior approval for change of use of agricultural buildings for residential use (5 No.dwellings - 4 smaller and 1 larger) and associated works)- to enhance visual appearance to external wall finish, window and door size and positions. Non Material Amendment Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) n/a
P232485/O Almeley, Castle, Land to the north of West View Almeley Herefordshire HR3 6LQ Outline planning application with all matters bar access reserved for the erection of up to seven dwellings. Outline Valid (Undecided) Thursday 28 September 2023
P232493/F Almeley, Castle, Woonton Farm Woonton Herefordshire Application for variation of condition 2 following grant of planning permission 203683 (Proposed erection of 5 dwellings and associated garaging and parking) - minor amendments to garage and utility room window on Plot 3 and garage on plot 5 to accommodate selfbuilders requirements. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 21 September 2023
P231879/PA4 Almeley, Castle, Upper Wootton Almeley Hereford Herefordshire HR3 6PX Prior approval for the proposed change of use of four agricultural buildings and their curtilage to create five dwellings (2x large and 3x small) and associated building works. (Part 3) Class Q - Prior Approval Determination Made (Prior Approval Given) Friday 14 July 2023
P231732/PA7 Almeley, Castle, Bridge Farm Almeley Hereford Herefordshire HR3 6LD Prior notification for proposed agricultural straw building. All others - Prior Approval Determination Made (Prior Approval Not Required) n/a
P231311/AM Almeley, Castle, Buildings at New House Farm Almeley Herefordshire Proposed non-material amendment to 204593 (Prior approval for change of use of agricultural buildings for residential use (5 No. dwellings - 4 smaller and 1 larger) and associated works) -to change external wall finish, window and door size and positions. Non Material Amendment Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) n/a