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Showing planning applications 121 to 130 of 484 lyonshall View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
P174124/F Lyonshall, Arrow, Penrhos Farm Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3LH Proposed change of use of former agricultural building to artisan distillery Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 20 December 2017
P173973/EIA Lyonshall, Arrow, Rhyse Poultry Farm Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3LX Proposed extension for two poultry buildings and associated development. EIA SCREENING Determination Made (Approved) Friday 27 October 2017
P173667/F Lyonshall, Arrow, The Holme Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3JP Proposed closure of existing sub-standard vehicular access and form new vehicular access with improved visibility. (For DOC 3 & 5 see 180999) Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 15 November 2017
P173071/PA7 Pembridge, Arrow, Land adjacent to Moor Court Farm Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire Proposed yard renewal. All others - Prior Approval Determination Made (Prior Approval Not Required) n/a
P172316/F Lyonshall, Arrow, Land adjacent to Burnt Orchard Lyonshall Herefordshire Variation of condition 2 of planning permission P151909/F for revised design. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 10 August 2017
P171687/L Lyonshall, Arrow, Royal George Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3JN Alterations and extensions to pub and the detached red brick barn. Including new basement to pub, above ground extensions to both buildings to accommodate a new cinema/exhibition space, shop, lavatories, entrance hall, childrens' soft play area, general storage,and cafe. The change of use of an area of ground from agricultural toA3/A4 use class for car-park, along with a free-standing building to accommodate storage space and pedestrian shelter. Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 25 October 2017
P171686/F Lyonshall, Arrow, Royal George Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3JN Alterations and extensions to pub and the detached red brick barn. Including new basement to pub, above ground extensions to both buildings to accommodate a new cinema/exhibition space, shop, lavatories, entrance hall, childrens' soft play area, general storage,and cafe. The change of use of an area of ground from agricultural toA3/A4 use class for car-park, along with a free-standing building to accommodate storage space and pedestrian shelter. (For DOC 6,7,8 and 15 see 181887) Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 25 October 2017
P171859/FH Lyonshall, Arrow, Chapel Cottage Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3JN Two storey rear extension with first floor balcony Full Householder Determination Made (Refused) Thursday 6 July 2017
P171429/XA2 Lyonshall, Arrow, Land south of Penrhos Farm Lyonshall Kington Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 6 8 9 10 & 11 attached to planning permission 163882 PP - Approval of details reserved by condition Determination Made (Split Decision) n/a
P171773/EN Pembridge, Arrow, Moor Court Farm Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3JZ Uprate an existing two wire 11,000 volt circuit to 3 wire 11,000 voltsto upgrade the supply. Electricity Prior Approval Determination Made (No objection) Thursday 15 June 2017