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Showing planning applications 181 to 190 of 936 'weobley' View results as an RSS feed
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Application number | Site address | Description | Type | Status | Comments by |
P202433/K | Weobley, Weobley, Rowan House 33 Bearcroft Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8TA | Proposed works to Field Maple (T1) - Crown due to excessive shading toneighbours property. | Works to Trees in a Conservation Area | Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) | Tuesday 25 August 2020 |
P202320/K | Weobley, Weobley, Parkfields Church Road Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SD | T1 Leylandii - fell to ground level as outgrown its position. | Works to Trees in a Conservation Area | Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) | Wednesday 12 August 2020 |
P202343/L | Weobley, Weobley, 2 Portland Street Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SB | Proposed replacement of the rear external windows, the replacement of the front & rear external doors. Internal alterations including the partial demolition of 2no. ground floor walls, 3no. doors, 1no. redundant fire place & blocking up of 1no. doorway. The majority of the existing boundary fence panels are in poor condition and are to bereplaced. | Listed Building Consent | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Friday 4 September 2020 |
P202342/FH | Weobley, Weobley, 2 Portland Street Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SB | Alterations to a listed building and site boundaries. | Full Householder | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Friday 4 September 2020 |
P202284/F | Weobley, Weobley, 3 High Street Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SL | Application for variation of condition 2 of planning permission 184664(Proposed alterations to the dwelling house, conversion of loft, and change of use of adjoining barn to provide additional living accommodation). To accommodate 2 no. additional roof windows on North Elevation of Barn. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Thursday 27 August 2020 |
P201959/K | Weobley, Weobley, Fairlawn Hereford Road Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SW | Yew tree (1) - Lift canopy clear of roof and raise crown over drive side by removing low branch only. Lightly reduce remaining crown by 1 metre all over to leave a more compact and pleasing appearance. NorwayMaple (2) - Thin upper canopy by approximately one third removing taller shoots to lightly reduce in height but thin in upper crown to allow more dappled shade through to property. Apple tree (3) - (EXEMPT) Remove dead section and reduce outer canopy by approximately one third, removing end weight to prevent branch collapse. Laurel (4) - (EXEMPT) Reduce in height to approximately 2. 5 metres above ground level. Ash tree (5) - remove large side stem | Works to Trees in a Conservation Area | Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) | Thursday 16 July 2020 |
P201949/K | Weobley, Weobley, 2 Portland Close Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SQ | Conifer (T1) - fell because it has outgrown its position. Conifer (T2)- fell because it has outgrown its position | Works to Trees in a Conservation Area | Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) | Wednesday 15 July 2020 |
P201750/FH | Weobley, Weobley, Fair View Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8QS | Proposed extension and external alterations. (For DOC 3 see 203325) | Full Householder | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Monday 31 August 2020 |
P201845/K | Weobley, Weobley, 1 The Garbutts Burton Gardens Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8RU | Proposed works to Goat Willow (No 4) is in serious decline and leaninginto the road. Remove dangerous tree. Flowering Cherry (No 13) next togarage has rot in 1 raised root. Cut rot out to stop it spreading intomain trunk. | Works to Trees in a Conservation Area | Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) | Tuesday 14 July 2020 |
P201820/XA2 | Weobley, Weobley, Plot 1 Land Adjacent To The Cwm Construction Of Self Build Dwelling With Ancillary Garage Meadow Street Weobley HR4 8SF | Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 4 7 9 11 12 15 attached to planning permission 174709. | PP - Approval of details reserved by condition | Determination Made (Approved) | n/a |