Insurance fraud against the council

Reports show that a total £5.1 million of insurance fraud was identified against local government. Insurance fraud diverts our resources away from where they are needed and this can in some cases even lead to increased premiums for the rest of us.

Examples of insurance fraud

Insurance fraud is where someone makes a false or exaggerated claim to receive compensation. It can include claims for:

  • Damage to property and vehicles
  • Loss of earnings
  • Fraudulent applications for damage caused by highways
  • Exaggerating or falsifying personal injury claims

An insurance claim can be classed as fraudulent when the claimant does any of the following:

  • Makes an insurance claim which was falsified or fabricated
  • Deliberately exaggerates the value of an insurance claim
  • Exaggerates the extent of injuries or loss
  • Uses counterfeit or forged documents as evidence in a claim

Report suspected insurance fraud against the council

If you suspect a fraudulent claim is being made against the council, you can report your suspicions directly to us:

Complete our online form to report fraud 


  • Call the fraud hotline on 01432 260698
  • Write to us at: Counter Fraud Department, Corporate Services, Plough Lane Offices, Hereford, HR4 0LE

Your referral will be taken in complete confidence and any personal information provided will be treated as strictly confidential.

Please provide us with as much detail as possible so that we can investigate the matter effectively. Where a referral does not provide us with enough detailed information about the matter, it may not be possible to investigate.

You can report fraud anonymously. However, in most cases it would help us if you leave your contact details, so that we can contact you for further information should we need it.

How we deal with fraud reports

All reports of alleged insurance fraud are treated very seriously and will be investigated by either the Counter Fraud Service and, or where applicable, by the third party insurance provider.

Any individual that intentionally and dishonestly provides false information, will be investigated in line with the Fraud Act 2006 and other relevant legislation. We may also pursue prosecution, under Section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972, or to work alongside the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).