Our counter fraud service

Fraud can be ever changing and we understand that some types of fraud may not always fit into the normal categories.

Put simply, fraud is an act of intentional deception undertaken for personal gain, or to cause a loss to another party.

This can include fraud by:

  • Abusing a position
  • False representation (for example, impersonating, or providing false information)
  • Making, supplying or possession of false articles (for example, fraudulently altered documents)
  • Failure to disclose information, where there is a legal duty to do so

We recognise that we have a duty to protect the public funds we administer and to prevent and detect fraud in all areas of the council's services.

Our dedicated internal Counter Fraud Service investigates referrals of fraud allegations which directly impact the council.

We are committed to zero tolerance on all aspects of fraud and we need your help, by reporting any allegations of suspected fraud, directly to us.

Report suspected fraud

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