Hire space in High Town and Commercial Street, Hereford

High Town space, Hereford

High Town/Commercial Street is the pedestrianised thoroughfare in the heart of Hereford. It's a prime promotional site that can be booked for marketing, arts and community use. If you would like to hire a space in High Town/Commercial Street, you should aim to apply well in advance as the site can be extensively booked. We recommend you view the site before booking, to ensure that it is appropriate for your event.

You cannot sell direct to the public when hiring the space. It is for promotions, displays and advertising only so you are not allowed to carry out direct selling. Direct selling requires a street trading consent. You can, however, carry out indirect selling. This is where you display or promote your items and take orders for them to be delivered or dispatched at a later date. However, no payments should change hands on site.

All hirers must produce (in advance) evidence of public liability insurance cover to the value of £5 million. Charitable and not for profit organisations can also use High Town's lamp columns to display banners advertising specific events, subject to our approval.

How to apply

To hire out space in High Town/Commercial Street, Hereford, please see the table of charges below, read the information pack and complete the application form and risk assessment form. See also the risk assessment guidance (all PDF documents).

Hire charges

Commercial organisations pay the full rates, registered charities and not-for-profit organisations pay a nominal discounted fee. There is a sliding scale of charges which is dependent upon how much space will be taken up by the hirer. If you require access to the various electrical sockets in High Town this will incur a cost irrespective of what category you fall into.

Hire of space per day for non-profit-making organisations and registered charities

Service Area in square metres Non-profit making organisation charge Local registered charity charge Non-local registered charity charge, e.g. F2F activity
Hire of space in High Town/Commercial Street, Hereford (organisation using their own facilities). VAT is exempt 1-10 £30 £15 £50
11-20 £50
21-40 £100
41-60 £125
61-80 £150
81-100 £200
Electric: VAT is exempt   £15 per day per pillar used £15 per day per pillar used £15 per day per pillar used

Hire of space per day for commercial organisations

Area in square metres Commercial hire charge
1-10 £160
11-20 £270
21-50 £380
50+ £540
£15 per day electric hire per pillar used

Street trading contact details

Address: Markets, Fairs and Street Trading, Unit 38, Three Elms Trading Estate, Hereford HR4 9PU

Telephone: 01432 260805

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