Social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) inclusion service

The SEMH Inclusion Service is a team of qualified and experienced teachers, practised in working with behavioural issues in primary and secondary settings. We provide advice, guidance and training for schools, and for pupils who are presenting with behaviours that challenge. Our support is versatile and tailored to meet the needs of schools and improve outcomes for children. The service is supported by the School Effectiveness Team.

We aim to support schools to:

  • Develop an understanding of child development and dysregulation
  • Understand behaviour as a communication
  • Embed a trauma informed approach in settings
  • Provide a supportive approach to develop connection with complex children
  • Build resilience in both staff and pupils
  • Promote a holistic approach, where schools, pupils, parents and carers work in partnership
  • Promote emotional wellbeing for all

The benefits of working with us

  • A professional, qualified and highly skilled team of specialists
  • Experienced Team Teach trainers
  • A wide range of intervention programmes
  • A wide range of training packages
  • A strong collaborative link with a range of services including, Educational Psychology Service, The SEN Team, EYFS Specialists, Early Help, Virtual Schools, and Speech and Language Therapy
  • Training for whole staff, teachers and TAs to increase awareness of pupil's needs and social/emotional aspects of their learning, including de-escalation training
  • An increase in staff knowledge and understanding of pupil’s needs
  • Pupil's needs met in an inclusive learning environment
  • An increase in positive behaviour, social interaction and emotional self-regulation.

Schools may purchase a package of support to buy-in specific aspects of the service as needed.

For further information contact The School Effectiveness Team:

SEMH Inclusion Service helpline

The SEMH Inclusion Service offers a free helpline for professionals. You can call and speak to an experienced SEMH Advisory Teacher who will be on hand to listen and offer immediate advice and strategies.

Working together, you will be able to decide if you need to complete a referral into the SEMH Inclusion Service or if the suggested strategies may be sufficient. You may also be signposted to other professionals or pathways where appropriate.

Following your call, you will receive a 'conversation record' which will summarise the discussion and the advice and strategies provided.

The SEMH Inclusion Service helpline is open on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 1pm, call 01432 260532.

How to refer for SEMH Inclusion Support

Assessment and Advice

The 6 week cycle

The initial visit

An Inclusion Support Specialist will visit the School and complete:

  •  A 30 minute classroom observation
  • A 1-1 conversation or interaction with the child to gather the child’s view
  • A 30 minute meeting with the class teacher or the member of staff who will be responsible for implementing the Action Plan.
  • The Action Plan will be written and distributed and will include agreed strategies and approaches, a named member of staff responsible and how these will be evidenced.
  • A follow-up appointment will be arranged for a 6 week review
The 6 week review visit

An Inclusion Support Specialist will complete:

  • A short 10 minute observation of the child
  • A 30 minute meeting with the class teacher or other relevant member of staff to evaluate the implemented strategies and the impact these have had
  • Next steps will be discussed and agreed. These may include staff training, interventions or external agency support
  • And finally provide a finalised Action Plan, advice and evaluation.

Advice to schools

The SIS team are available to support and offer advice for:

  • PSP meetings
  • Early Help or multi-agency meetings
  • Banded funding applications
  • Statutory assessment
  • Annual reviews
  • Brookfield School intervention class referrals
  • Behaviour policy audit and development


Ongoing support for pupils may involve a series of intervention sessions, or can be by input to targeted areas:

  • 1-1 interventions to support a wide range of needs-these will be tailored to the individual child. These can include: Anger management, Self–regulation, Self-esteem and more.
  • Small group interventions also tailored to the needs of the children

CPD and Training

Training opportunities are available throughout the year as centrally run day courses or twilight sessions. INSET training within schools or other services can be arranged as a bespoke package or by choosing an existing training course to be delivered, tailored to your setting. All bespoke training is planned in consultation with Senior Leaders to ensure it meets the needs of your team.

To request training details, dates or to book a place on one of the following courses email: :

  • Behaviour Management Staff Training 
  • Emotional Regulation Staff Training
  • ECT Advice and Training
  • Individualised Classroom Support for teachers
  • Inspection Ready- Through a behaviour focused lens
  • Lunchtime Supervisor Training
  • Training for in house Behaviour Leads
  • TEAM Teach

There are also some specific group sessions which are run with a member of school staff training alongside to enable the school to continue with the work.

Walk Tall confidence boosting sessions

Kidscape based activity sessions for children from Y5, 6 or 7 with low self-esteem or who are socially vulnerable. The sessions will provide pupils with:

  • Help in developing self-confidence
  • Practice in positive interactions
  • Strategies for dealing with peer pressure or bullying

School staff join the group to learn alongside. Resources are provided. This could be particularly relevant for pupils approaching or dealing with transitions.