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Showing planning applications 51 to 60 of 409 Tarrington View results as an RSS feed
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Application number | Site address | Description | Type | Status | Comments by |
P210635/L | , , Leys Farmhouse, Leys Farm Tarrington Hereford Herefordshire HR1 4EX | Proposed conversion of existing roof space to create two bedrooms withfour roof windows in the roof valley of the double gabled roof. (For DOC 4 see 212392) | Determination Made (Undecided) | Friday 30 April 2021 | |
P211425/F | , , The Tomkins Tarrington Hereford Herefordshire HR1 4JQ | Proposed change of use of land to domestic curtilage and erection of detached garage, plant room and cycle store with studio loft over ancillary to main dwelling. | Determination Made (Undecided) | Thursday 17 June 2021 | |
P210634/FH | , , Leys Farmhouse, Leys Farm Tarrington Hereford Herefordshire HR1 4EX | Proposed conversion of existing roof space to create two bedrooms withfour roof windows in the roof valley of the double gabled roof. | Determination Made (Undecided) | Friday 30 April 2021 | |
P210005/FH | , , Church Hill Tarrington Hereford Herefordshire HR1 4EU | Proposed wrap-around lean-to porch to rear and carport to side. | Determination Made (Undecided) | Sunday 28 February 2021 | |
P204470/AM | , , Land West of Garbrook Little Tarrington Hereford HR1 4JA | Proposed non-material amendment to 202054/F (Proposed mixed use development comprising 15 dwellings, 2 live work units and associated roads and footpaths, junction improvements, sustainable drainage, informal public open space, hedgerow and tree planting.) - To amend the current approved plans for Plot 10 to change the attached double car port and to change the overall aesthetics of the house to add in aside door to access the utility from the driveway and to introduce a first floor bathroom window to the side elevation. | Determination Made (Undecided) | Monday 18 January 2021 | |
P203981/AM | , , Land west of Garbrook Little Tarrington Hereford HR1 4JA | Non-material amendment to 184506/O (Proposed development of ten dwellings including 2 affordable homes and 2 self build plots and associated access road, footpath link, sustainable drainage, hedgerow,tree and orchard planting). To amend the wording of the original proposal description to: Proposed development of ten dwellings and associated access road, footpath link, sustainable drainage, hedgerow,tree and orchard planting. | Determination Made (Undecided) | Thursday 3 December 2020 | |
P203980/AM | , , Land Between Garbrook and Little Tarrington Common Road Little Tarrington Hereford HR1 4JA | Non-material amendment to permission 171777 - To amend the wording of the original proposal description to: Proposed development comprising 17 dwellings and associated roads and footpaths, junction improvements, sustainable drainage, informal public open space, hedgerow and tree planting. | Determination Made (Undecided) | Friday 4 December 2020 | |
P203782/PA7 | , , The Old Dairy Tarrington Hereford Herefordshire HR1 4EX | Prior notification for proposed general agricultural storage building. | Determination Made (Undecided) | n/a | |
P202669/L | , , Oak House Tarrington Hereford Herefordshire HR1 4JF | Minor internal alterations to include removal of a 20th Century partitioning to the ground floor which formally enclosed a small office. Forming a utility and office to the existing kitchen. To the first floor, a new en-suite is proposed. | Determination Made (Undecided) | Wednesday 4 November 2020 | |
P203235/XA2 | , , Land at Leys Farm Tarrington Herefordshire HR1 4EX | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 6 & 7 attached to planning permission reference 174237. | Determination Made (Undecided) | n/a |