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Showing planning applications 21 to 30 of 252 Michaelchurch%20Escley View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
P212565/F Michaelchurch Escley, Golden Valley South, Hyde Park Michaelchurch Escley Hereford HR2 0JY Change of use of land, erection of stable block and outdoor ménage for domestic purposes only. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Saturday 18 September 2021
P212606/F Michaelchurch Escley, Golden Valley South, Holt Farm Michaelchurch Escley Hereford Herefordshire HR2 0PT Proposed change of use of three barns from holiday accommodation to unencumbered residential. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 17 September 2021
P211732/L Michaelchurch Escley, Golden Valley South, Old Kates Farm Michaelchurch Escley Herefordshire Variation of a condition 2 Ref 183962/L (Proposed conversion of barn (known as The Cottage), to form residential accommodation)change the materials on the East Elevation. Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 7 July 2021
P211726/F Michaelchurch Escley, Golden Valley South, Barn (known as The Cottage) Old Kate's Farm Michaelchurch Escley Herefordshire HR2 0PU Variation of a condition 2 ref-183961/F (Proposed conversion of barn (known as The Cottage) to form residential accommodation)Vary the materials on the East Elevation Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 7 July 2021
P211372/F Michaelchurch Escley, Golden Valley South, Wernagavenny Michaelchurch Escley Hereford Herefordshire HR2 0PU Proposed agricultural manure store. Planning Permission Determination Made (No objection) Friday 18 June 2021
P211138/U Michaelchurch Escley, Golden Valley South, Gables Cottage Michaelchurch Escley Hereford Herefordshire HR2 0JS Certificate of Lawfulness for the existing use of The Gables Cottage, Michaelchurch Escley as an independent dwelling house on a continuous basis since 1995 separate from The Gables. Certificate of Lawfulness (CLEUD) Determination Made (Approved) n/a
P211125/FH Michaelchurch Escley, Golden Valley South, Rose Cottage Michaelchurch Escley Hereford Herefordshire HR2 0JW Proposed refurbishment of existing dwelling including conversion of existing attached garage/store. Replacement oak-framed enclosed porch. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 28 May 2021
P210566/F Michaelchurch Escley, Golden Valley South, Holt Farm Michaelchurch Escley Hereford Herefordshire HR2 0PT Application for removal of condition 3 of planning permission SH971193/PF (Conversion of redundant barns into holiday accommodation). To allow the three barns to be occupied as dwellings. Planning Permission Determination Made (Withdrawn) Thursday 29 April 2021
P210854/AM Michaelchurch Escley, Golden Valley South, Hyde Park Barn Michaelchurch Escley Herefordshire HR2J 0JY Proposed non-material amendemnt to permission 191913 (Notification forprior approval for a proposed change of use of anagricultural buildingto a dwellinghouse (Class C3) and for associated operational development to create a single larger dwellinghouse). to allow minor alterations to layout internally and consequential minor movements andalterations of openings. Non Material Amendment Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 22 March 2021
P210259/F Michaelchurch Escley, Golden Valley South, Land at Ritty Farm Michaelchurch Escley Hereford Herefordshire HR2 0JW Proposed siting of temporary removable wagon for use as holiday let to include access, parking and landscaping. (For DOC 3 and 7 see 221571) Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 25 March 2021