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Showing planning applications 431 to 440 of 1006 Kingsland View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
P152267/K Kingsland, Bircher, The New House North Road Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9RZ Fell Norway Maple Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) Friday 28 August 2015
P152121/PA4 Kingsland, Bircher, 2 no agricultural buildings at Becknell House Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9PX Proposed conversion of two agricultural buildings to dwellinghouse (Part 3) Class Q - Prior Approval Determination Made (Prior Approval Refused) Wednesday 9 September 2015
P151818/O Kingsland, Bircher, Land to the east of Boarsfield Lugg Green Road Kingsland Herefordshire Proposed residential development of ten residential units (6 x 3 bed &4 x 4 bed) Outline Determination Made (Withdrawn) Monday 3 August 2015
P151725/FH Kingsland, Bircher, Moss Rose Cottage Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9QN Proposed erection of summer house in rear garden. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 18 August 2015
P151699/K Kingsland, Bircher, Stone Mill The Wardens Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9DP Fell one sycamore and fell stems and lift crown of second sycamore. Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Determination Made (Deemed consent) Wednesday 1 July 2015
P151470/F Kingsland, Bircher, Whitley Court Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9QY Proposed two storey extension to provide additional office space. Planning Permission Determination Made (Withdrawn) Tuesday 23 June 2015
P151334/PA7 Leominster, Leominster West, Land at Westfield Farm Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9QY Proposed 3 bay steel portal framed agricultural building All others - Prior Approval Determination Made (Prior Approval Not Required) n/a
P151406/PA7 Kingsland, Bircher, Gilberts Farmhouse Eyton Leominster Herefordshire HR6 0AQ Proposed demolition of former poultry shed. All others - Prior Approval Determination Made (Prior Approval Not Required) Tuesday 9 June 2015
P151244/F Kingsland, Bircher, Luctonians Rugby Football And Cricket Club Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9SB Retrospective application for the provision of an additional floodlight to serve pitch 4 at Mortimer Park. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 11 June 2015
P150984/K Kingsland, Bircher, 5 Tudor Place Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9RR Proposed works to Ash tree. Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) Thursday 30 April 2015