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Showing planning applications 661 to 670 of 786 Holmer and Shelwick View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
DCC033083/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Foxdown Munstone Road Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 1LG Existing single garage to be replaced with double garage and garden room Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 4 December 2003
DCC033047/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Oaktree House Shelwick Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 3AL Erection of open fronted carport Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 3 December 2003
DCC032852/F Holmer & Shelwick, Holmer, Holmer Park Attwood Lane Holmer Herefordshire Proposed conversion of buildings into 3 dwellings Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 12 February 2004
DCC032838/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Holmer Park Cleeve Orchard Hereford Proposed outdoor swimming pool Planning Permission Decision Made (Withdrawn) Monday 29 December 2003
DCC032721/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Holmer Park Off Attwood Lane A Hereford Single storey extension to form cardio training room Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 3 December 2003
DCC032663/O Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Land Adjacent To Bramblefield Munstone Herefordshire HR1 3AH Site for proposed dwelling Outline Determination Made (Refused) Wednesday 3 December 2003
P032535/J Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Land Off Roman Road Hereford Fell one Horse Chestnut at above land Works to trees covered by TPO Determination Made (Trees covered by TPO – Consent Granted) Thursday 25 September 2003
P032410/J Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, On Open Space (Cleeve Orchard) Hereford HR1 1LB To reduce and cut back the overhand of four trees comprising of Yew and Hores Chestnut, off Roman Road, Hereford Works to trees covered by TPO Determination Made (Trees covered by TPO – Consent Granted) Thursday 11 September 2003
DCC032343/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, 14 Holmer Manor Close Hereford Herefordshire HR4 9QZ Proposed Conservatory Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 19 September 2003
DCC032019/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, 10 Turnberry Drive Holmer Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 1LP Proposed rear and first floor extension Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 3 September 2003