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Showing planning applications 621 to 630 of 936 'weobley' View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
P073587/K Weobley, Golden Cross with Weobley - prior 2015, Highbury Weobley Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 8SH Fell 6 Apple trees, 1 Silver Fir tree, 1 Poplar tree, 1 Eucalyptus tree and 1 Sycamore tree. Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Decision Made (Undecided) Tuesday 30 October 2007
DCN073527/F Weobley, Golden Cross with Weobley - prior 2015, Land To The Rear Of Wild Goose Broad Street Weobley, Hereford, Herefordshi HR4 8SA Proposed dwelling with ancillary garage and formation of a new vehicular access. Planning Permission Determination Made (Refused) Thursday 6 December 2007
DCN073470/V Weobley, Golden Cross with Weobley - prior 2015, 3 The Paddocks Weobley Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 8RY Conversion of loft space in detached garage into a family room/store. Work involves creating internal stairs, flooring and insulation and adding a window (fire exit) in gable wall. No other external works arebeing carried out parking space within garage will be retained. Certificate of Lawfulness (CLOPD) Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 12 December 2007
DCC073373/F King's Pyon, Wormsley Ridge - prior 2015, The Old Zion Chapel Ledgemoor Weobley, Herefordshire HR4 8RL Enclosing of existing verandah to provide sunroom Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 28 November 2007
DCN072702/F Weobley, Golden Cross with Weobley - prior 2015, Pughs Yard Barn Meadow Street Weobley, Herefordshire Proposed new garden room Planning Permission Appeal Determined (Refused) Tuesday 20 November 2007
DCN072700/L Weobley, Golden Cross with Weobley - prior 2015, Pughs Yard Barn Meadow Street Weobley, Herefordshire Proposed new garden room Listed Building Consent Appeal Determined (Refused) Tuesday 20 November 2007
DCN073226/F King's Pyon, Wormsley Ridge - prior 2015, Nos 1 2 3 New Street Ledgemoor Weobley, Hereford, Herefordshi HR4 8RN Erection of lockable sheds Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 21 November 2007
DCC073181/F King's Pyon, Wormsley Ridge - prior 2015, Chapel Cottage Ledgemoor Weobley, Hereford, Herefordshi HR4 8RL Alterations and extension to dwelling house Planning Permission Decision Made (Withdrawn) Thursday 15 November 2007
P073171/K Weobley, Golden Cross with Weobley - prior 2015, St Columbas High Street Weobley, Hereford, Herefordshi HR4 8SL Fell 1 Eucalyptus Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Decision Made (Undecided) n/a
P072915/K Weobley, Golden Cross with Weobley - prior 2015, 15 Bearcroft Weobley Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 8TA Crown reduce 1 Silver Birch Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Decision Made (Undecided) n/a