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Showing planning applications 61 to 70 of 482 lyonshall View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
P201991/F Pembridge, Arrow, Moor Court Farm Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3JZ Proposed agricultural structure to house water tank for corn spraying. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Sunday 3 January 2021
P204077/F Lyonshall, Arrow, Land adjacent to New Chapel House Lyonshall Kington Application for variation of a condition 2 following grant of planningpermission 193269 (New dwelling and garage) - to allow change to design of house (For DOC 3 5 & 8 see 212295). Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 13 January 2021
P203674/PA4 Lyonshall, Arrow, Land at Parkgate Farm Lyonshall Proposed demolition of buildings 4, 8, 9 and 9a, partial demolition and conversion of barn 6 to make 2, 4 bedroom houses and conversion ofbarn 7 to make a 2 bedroom bungalow. New access to proposed dwellingsfrom existing farm access and re-grading of previously developed land. (Part 3) Class Q - Prior Approval Determination Made (Withdrawn) Wednesday 9 December 2020
P203844/XA2 Lyonshall, Arrow, Land South East of Upper House Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3JN Application for approval of details reserved by condition 8 attached to planning permission 184475. PP - Approval of details reserved by condition Determination Made (Approved) n/a
P202484/FH Lyonshall, Arrow, Little Boxes Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3LN Proposed extension to create additional ancillary residential space to main house for dependant family relatives. Full Householder Appeal Determined (Approved with Conditions) Friday 2 October 2020
P202620/PA7 Pembridge, Arrow, Upper Marston Farm Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3JF Prior notification for proposed agricultural building. All others - Prior Approval Determination Made (Prior Approval Not Required) n/a
P202605/F Lyonshall, Arrow, Land opposite Upper House (Site B) Lyonshall Herefordshire Lyonshall Herefordshire Proposed variation of condition 2 of planning permission 143832 (Proposed 6 no. houses - Minor changes to the design, layout and appearance of the approved house types for plots 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 on Site B1 (For condition 2 see 212338). Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 6 October 2020
P202173/FH Lyonshall, Arrow, Primavera Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3HX Demolition of existing garage and side entrance, new kitchen extension, new garden room plus an additional bedroom, en suite and living room together with a new detached garage and car port. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 4 September 2020
P202377/AM Lyonshall, Arrow, Land Opposite Upper House (Site B2) Lyonshall Herefordshire HR5 3JN Proposed non-material amendment to planning permission 152330 (Proposed erection of 7 houses (1 x 4 bedroom property, 3 x 3 bedroom properties, 3 x 2 bedroom properties) revision to S38 Agreement & timescale Non Material Amendment Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 10 August 2020
P202376/AM Lyonshall, Arrow, Land Opposite Upper House (site B1) Lyonshall Herefordshire HR5 3JN Proposed non-material amendment to planning permission 143832 (Proposed 6 no. houses (3 no. 4 bed, 2 no. 3 bed and 1 no. 2 bed)) revision to S38 Agreement & timescale Non Material Amendment Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 10 August 2020