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Showing planning applications 421 to 430 of 801 Holmer and Shelwick View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
P140049/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, The Rosie Coldwells Road Holmer Hereford Herefordshire HR1 1LH Retrospective planning for residential caravan, garden storage shed/garage, conservatory, patio, single storey kitchen extension, single storey staff room extension and resurfacing to existing hardstanding. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 28 February 2014
P133304/F Holmer & Shelwick, Holmer, Barn at The Old Farmhouse Shelwick Hereford HR1 3AL Demolition of existing farm building & erection of a new 2 bedroom dwelling Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 9 January 2014
P132644/FH Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Hillside Munstone Hereford Herefordshire HR1 3AD New septic tank and treatment plant. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved) Monday 23 December 2013
P132998/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Attwood Lane Holmer Hereford HR1 1LJ Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 130426/F. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 26 December 2013
P132722/O Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Rushford 7 Belle Bank Avenue Holmer Hereford HR4 9RL Construction of detached two-storey dwelling with detached double garage. Outline Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 25 November 2013
P132613/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Former Pomona Works Attwood Lane Holmer Hereford HR1 1LJ Variation of conditions to planning permission 130426/F Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 21 November 2013
P132612/AM Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Former Pomona Works Attwood Lane Holmer Hereford HR1 1LJ Non-material amendement to planning permission 130426/F Non Material Amendment Determination Made (Approved) n/a
P132624/O Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Land off Church Way Holmer Hereford Erection of up to 13 no. residential dwellings along with associated vehicular and pedestrian access, internal access roads, car parking including garaging, landscaping including realignment of existing hedgerow, drainage and other associated works. Outline Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 31 January 2014
P132285/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Barn at White House Farm Munstone Herefordshire HR1 3AD Proposed change of use of farm buildings to form 2 no. dwellings and erection of garage. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 31 January 2014
P132060/M Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Lugg Bridge Quarry Lugg Bridge Hereford Herefordshire HR1 3LZ Proposed change of use of land from sand and gravel quarry with ancillary ready mixed concrete plant to stand alone ready mixed concrete plant. Minerals Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 12 September 2013