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Showing planning applications 381 to 390 of 409 Tarrington View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
DCN002974/L Tarrington, Z_Frome 1998-2003, The Willows Tarrington Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 4HX Retention of repairs/replacements to windows to front elevation, reinstate 2 no. blocked windows, alteration to bay window, change former cellar door to a window Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 23 January 2001
DCN001757/F Tarrington, Z_Frome 1998-2003, Old Village Hall Site Tarrington Herefordshire Proposed new dwelling and garage Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 4 January 2001
DCN002759/F Tarrington, Z_Frome 1998-2003, The Millpond Little Tarrington Hereford HR1 4JA Variation of conditions on PP N98/0698/N - Condition 3 to increase no.of touring caravans from 18 to 30. - Condition 5 to increase no. of stored touring caravans from 6 to 10. Change of Use of land to enlargecaravan site. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 8 December 2000
DCN002207/F Tarrington, Z_Frome 1998-2003, Tarrington Sewage Works Tarrington Ledbury Replace existing mast with one 17.5m high mast with 2 no. 4-stack antennae, 2 no. dish antennae, and 1 no. radio equipment cabin. Relocate existing equipment onto new mast Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 26 October 2000
DCN002198/L Tarrington, Z_Frome 1998-2003, Swan House Tarrington Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 4EU Extension and alterations to dwelling and erection of new garage. Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 29 November 2000
DCN002196/F Tarrington, Z_Frome 1998-2003, Swan House Tarrington Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 4EU Extension and alterations to dwelling and erection of new garage. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 29 November 2000
DCN002692/L Tarrington, Z_Frome 1998-2003, The Vine Tarrington Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 4EX Replace window with french doors and internal alterations Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Planning Permission Not Required) Wednesday 27 September 2000
DCN002235/F Tarrington, Z_Frome 1998-2003, The Old Bake House Tarrington Hereford HR1 4EU Conversion and extension of bake house to form a two-bedroomed dwelling Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 9 October 2000
DCN002152/F Tarrington, Z_Frome 1998-2003, R A Bradstock & Partners Free Town Tarrington, Hereford, Hereford HR1 4JB Steel framed building to house cattle Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 6 September 2000
DCN001028/F Tarrington, Z_Frome 1998-2003, Holly Cottage Tarrington Common Tarrington, Hereford, Hereford HR1 4HR Alteration and extension to existing dwelling Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 15 August 2000