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Showing planning applications 251 to 260 of 316 Linton (N) View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
DCN044668/F Linton (Bringsty), Bringsty - prior 2015, Falling Water Linley Green Whitbourne, Worcester, Herefor WR6 5RG Two storey extension and new porch Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 17 January 2005
DCN044493/L Linton (Bringsty), Bringsty - prior 2015, Bydawells Cottage Linley Green Whitbourne, Worcester, Herefor WR6 5RG Replacement windows Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 13 December 2004
DCN043619/F Linton (Bringsty), Bringsty - prior 2015, Yewtree Bringsty Worcester, Herefordshire WR6 5TE Demolish one and extend another outbuilding to provide granny annex Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 29 November 2004
DCN042949/F Linton (Bringsty), Bringsty - prior 2015, Cherry Orchard Bringsty Worcester, Herefordshire WR6 5TE Two storey and single storey extensions comprising of utility, porch, bedroom, bathroom and dining room Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 22 September 2004
DCN042808/F Linton (Bringsty), Bringsty - prior 2015, Church House Linley Green Whitbourne, Worcester, Herefor WR6 5RG New vehicular driveway and access Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 26 August 2004
DCN042815/F Linton (Bringsty), Bringsty - prior 2015, Lower Yearsett Linley Green Whitbourne, Worcester, Herefor WR6 5RQ Creation of hardcore track Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved) Friday 6 August 2004
DCN042377/F Linton (Bringsty), Bringsty - prior 2015, New Bydawells Linley Green Road Whitbourne, Worcester, Herefor WR6 5RF Retrospective application for stables. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 13 July 2004
DCN041641/U Linton (Bringsty), Bringsty - prior 2015, Streamhall Garage Wacton Coach Sales Linton Trading Estate, Bromyar HR7 4QT Use of land for storage, parking, repair, maintenance and dismantling for spare parts of buses and coaches. Certificate of Lawfulness (CLEUD) Determination Made (Approved) Friday 1 October 2004
DCN041340/F Linton (Bringsty), Bringsty - prior 2015, Barrets Bridge Bringsty Common Bringsty, Worcester, Herefords WR6 5UP Extension to form bedroom and ensuite accomodation at first floor level, with undercroft below. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 21 April 2004
DS033737/E Linton (Bringsty), Bringsty - prior 2015, Grid Ref: So 678543 (Nr Brockh Linton Hereford Erection of an additional wood pole in an existing high voltage overhead line Electricity Consultation Determination Made (No objection) Tuesday 27 January 2004