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Large Celtic style hand bell.Found when a pond at Marden was cleaned out in 1848, near to the church where King Ethelbert was buried, before his remains were removed to Hereford. It is significant as it illustrates the Celtic influences found within the county of Herefordshire. It dates from the ninth to the eleventh century and is typical of other contemporary bells from Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It would have been used as a hand bell to summon people to church. Legend has it that a bell of Marden Church fell into the River Lugg, was seized by a mermaid who held it fast. It could only be retrieved in perfect silence using a team of twelve white heifers yoked with yew and mountain ash bands and goads. A driver accidentally called out and woke the mermaid inside the bell who took it back into the river. The bell is still supposed to be there.

Accession Number 488
Date 800 - 1100
Period Saxon
Collection Archaeology
Locality Marden
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