Neighbourhood planning referendums

Information about upcoming neighbourhood planning referendums will be displayed on this page.

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What is neighbourhood planning?

Neighbourhood planning was introduced under the Localism Act, and aims to help local communities to play a direct role in planning their local area.

The plans can set out how the community would like land to be used and developed in the area it covers, and to set other local planning policies.

When the plan has been submitted to Herefordshire Council and has gone through due process, a referendum must be held asking the local electorate whether or not they support the plan.

View more information on neighbourhood planning

Who can vote at a neighbourhood planning referendum?

A person is entitled to vote if at the time of the referendum, they meet the eligibility criteria to vote in a local election for the area.

All eligible persons must be registered to vote in the referendum area to cast their vote.

View more information on registering to vote and eligibility

Contact us

If you are interested in attending the counting of the votes for your local neighbourhood planning referendum or have any general queries, please contact us on 01432 260107 or email