Applications, carry out works and register


Download forms for applications to amend the commons register and register of town and village greens at GOV.UK

Fees payable for applications to amend the commons register and register of town and village greens

View application notices under the 2006 Commons Act.

View decision notices under the 2006 Commons Act.

Carry out works

You need the consent of the Planning Inspectorate to carry out any restricted works on land registered as common land.

Restricted works are any that prevent or make it difficult to get access to or over the land. They include fencing, buildings, structures, ditches, trenches, embankments and other works, where the effect of those works is to prevent or impede access. New solid surfaces, such as for a new car park or access road, are always restricted works which require consent.

View application forms and relevant guidance from the Planning Inspectorate on the Planning Portal

Register a town or village green

Guidance and forms for registering a town or village green is available on GOV.UK

Town and village greens - how to register

Return forms to us as the Commons Registration Authority at:

Town and village greens, rights and management

Information about management and rights is available on GOV.UK.

Managing town and village greens

Commons registration authority privacy notice