Keeping fit and Halo Leisure Centre vouchers

We want to encourage you to be healthy and to exercise regularly. There are lots of ways to exercise that are free or cost very little, for example: walking, cycling and running.

Foster carers might agree to pay for you to do some activities and as you become more independent you will have to plan for how you can pay for activities that you might want to continue with.

Halo Leisure Centre vouchers

While you are in care you are entitled to vouchers for Halo Leisure centres. The vouchers can be used for either a course (for example, 10 weeks of swimming lessons) or four single activity vouchers per month (for example, gym sessions).

Once you have left care you can ask for Halo vouchers and this will be considered as part of your Pathway Plan. We would usually expect you to pay for activities that you want to do but there might be a reason that we would provide vouchers to help you out for a short time, for example if you want to lose weight to be healthy, or if exercise would help improve your mental health.

If vouchers are agreed then they could be used for either a course (for example, 10 weeks of swimming lessons) or four single activity vouchers per month (for example, gym sessions).