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The star ratings system considers whether the business is high or low risk and the levels of compliance found during the inspection of the premises. If a business implements additional higher voluntary standards it can achieve a star rating of 4 or 5.

Licence Number Licence Holder Name(s) Site Name Site Address Licence Expiry Date Licence Star Rating Service and Capacity
N-ANB30 Mr Richard Evans Bromyard Boarding Kennels Bromyard Boarding Kennels, New Barnes, Norton, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4PA 31/01/2026 3 (three) STARS Provision of boarding for dogs (60)
N-ANB25 Mr Clive Edwards Feline Friendly Holmer Park Lodge, Holmer, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR1 1LL 31/12/2026 3 (three) STARS Provision of boarding for cats (40)
N-ANB21 Mrs Elizabeth Wilson, Mrs Elizabeth Potter Country Cats Higford, A449 Coldborough Park, Old Gore, Herefordshire, HR9 7RF 31/12/2025 3 (three) STARS Provision of boarding for cats (25)
N-ANB15 Mr J B & Mrs S E Rumble Blackwardine Boarding Kennels Kennels, Blackwardine Cottage, Stoke Prior, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 0NE 30/01/2026 3 (three) STARS Provision of boarding for dogs (50)
N-ANB11 Mr S. and Mrs D. Newman, and Miss E. Clements Cosy Toes Boarding Kennels The Lodge, Allensmore, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR2 9AJ 31/01/2027 3 (three) STARS Provision of boarding for dogs (40)
N-ANB04 Messrs Jonathan & Simon, & Mrs Claire Hill Hwicce Cottage Cattery Hwicce Cottage, Bush Bank, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 8EW 22/03/2025 5 (five) STARS Provision of boarding for cats (20)