Young carer's assessment
Our young carer service considers the whole family when making an assessment of a young carer's needs. Some of the ways we may be able to help include signposting to support organisations, support with school or college, information, guidance and advice, support for the family, help with keeping the young person and their family safe, emotional support and befriending.
Making a referral for a young carer's assessment
If you are a professional referring a child or young person for a young carer's assessment please complete the Early Help assessment consent form, and select young carers as the type of support. Send us the form by the appropriate route from the list below:
- If sending from Education send to AnyComms
- Internal referrals by email to
- Post to Early Help Support, Plough Lane Offices, Hereford HR4 OLE
When referring please give evidence, in the “Presenting Needs” section of the form, of the practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities undertaken by the child or young person and the impact those responsibilities are having upon at least one of the following:
- Physical/mental health
- Education
- Emotional and behavioural development
- Family and social/peer relationships.
What happens next?
A Supporting Families worker will be in touch with the family and referring professional. A home visit and an Early Help Assessment will be completed. During this visit an action plan of support will be drawn up with the family. The statuory assessment complies with all current legislation which includes the Care Act 2014, the Children and Families Act 2014 and the Childrens Act 1989.
Some of the organisations we work with are:
- Young Carers Club
- Crossroads Together
- Hope Support Service
- St Michael's Hospice
- Talk Community Directory
- No wrong door - advice and information for young people
- Carers UK is the national organisation there to listen, to give you expert information and advice that's tailored to your situation.
- Carers Trust - a major charity for, with and about carers.