Protect a child or young person
If you think that a child has been harmed or is being neglected, contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on
- 01432 260800 - available 8.45am to 5.15pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.45 to 4.45pm Fridays
- Out of these hours 01905 768020
There are many possible signs of abuse and neglect, ranging from physical injury to changes in appearance or behaviour. Alternatively, you may witness an incident or a child may tell you that he or she is being harmed. If you are worried, please report it. You could help to save a child's life. Even if you don't know them, or even their name. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.
In an emergency or if someone is in immediate danger, always call 999.
Bullying and peer on peer abuse
If your child is being bullied at school, the school will have their own anti-bullying policy and procedures for dealing with bullying incidents. These are often on the school's website or you can ask the school for a copy.
Peer on peer abuse is where one child abuses another child. How schools and colleges deal with peer on peer abuse will be set out in their individual safeguarding/child protection policy. These are often on the school's website or you can ask the school for a copy. Every school and college will have a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) who will have been trained regularly in all aspects of safeguarding including peer on peer abuse. If you have a concern about the safety of a child or young person you should contact the DSL for that school or college.