How home to school distances are calculated

Transport data and routing software

The distance between each residential address, its nearest five primary schools and its nearest five secondary schools is calculated using routing software called Routefinder Pro.

The transport network data used in the calculations is Ordnance Survey MasterMap Highways Network (Roads, Routing and Asset Management Information) and Ordnance Survey MasterMap Highways Network (Paths). This data is standard for public sector organisations to use for this purpose.

Snapshot in time

Our local authority address information is updated daily. However, the process of calculating distances to schools is done at a given snapshot in time during the schools admissions process. Hence, the address information provided here is accurate as of August each year.

Accuracy of calculations

The distance calculation algorithm finds the nearest node on the transport network to the property point. Then it calculates the shortest route along the transport network to the node nearest to the school point. The points are located somewhere in the boundaries of the schools and properties but the network, algorithm and points do not take into account access points and driveways.

For this reason the results will not be 100 percent representative of real life travel but nevertheless give a very good indication of the distance travelling from point A to point B when compared to "as the crow flies" calculations.

Where the nearest school is less than 0.2 miles from the next nearest school and either part of the school's admissions criteria or where eligibility for free school transport is a consideration, we recommend that you request that a definitive calculation is made by contacting with your full address.

Scope of calculations

Private schools have not been included in the calculation. Only residential addresses (not commercial) have been included in the calculation.

If you cannot find your home address on the mapping system please email We will be able to check we have correct property information to ensure the property, any other new properties, paths, roads and error corrections are included the next time the exercise is run.