Flood recovery grants

The government is offering financial support to help households, businesses and farmers recover from the flooding caused by Storm Henk between 2 January and 12 January 2024.

Applications are now closed for the Community Flood Recovery Grant and Council Tax discount for residential properties, as well as for the Business Flood Recovery Grant and business rates relief for business premises.

Property Flood Resilience grant

The property owner may be eligible for a Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Grant of up to £5,000 to help properties become more resilient to future flooding. Visit the Property flood resilience page for more information.

Farming Recovery Fund

Defra has confirmed that the scheme that opened in April has been significantly expanded to include a wider geographical area of farmers who suffered river flooding (including Herefordshire). It now also includes those who experienced damage due to extreme rainfall. Eligible farmers can access grants of between £500 and £25,000 to return their land to the condition it was in before exceptional flooding due to Storm Henk. Whilst eligible farmers will be contacted by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA), they can contact the RPA on ruralpayments@defra.gov.uk or 03000 200 301.

Defra has published a blog about the wet weather and temporary adjustments to agri-environment agreements.

Flood Recovery Framework Guide

Further guidance about the financial support to help households, businesses and farmers recover from the flooding caused by Storm Henk can be found in the Government's Flood Recovery Framework Guide.

Herefordshire Community Foundation

In the aftermath of Herefordshire flooding, immediate straightforward financial support for people affected is available from Herefordshire Community Foundation.

This helps with urgent needs like the cost of living in temporary accommodation or for items people need to stay in their homes, for example dehumidifiers. Grants of £250 are available for affected households. Larger grants are available for projects providing relief support for affected communities.

Apply for support from Herefordshire Community Foundation