Guidance for residential developers on noise risks and acoustic design

Developers of all new housing are advised to consider potential noise issues at the earliest possible opportunity.

An initial Stage 1 noise risk assessment will be requested to be supplied which examines transport noise risks during the day and at night to be supplied at the pre-app stage. A full description of the acoustic environment and actual or predicted 24 hours worst case noise levels is expected.

Should the noise risk assessment highlight that ambient noise levels are more than negligible at the outline or full planning application stage developers will be requested to supply a Stage 2 Acoustic Design Statement. The purpose of this statement is to demonstrate how transport noise challenges both within the proposed dwellings and in outside amenity areas have been addressed and are at the heart of the site design and layout. .

Developers are referred to ProPG: Planning and Noise* Professional Practice Guidance on Planning & Noise: New Residential Development

Published by the Association of  Noise Consultants, the Institute of Acoustics and the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health June 2017