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Showing planning applications 441 to 450 of 482 lyonshall View results as an RSS feed
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Application number | Site address | Description | Type | Status | Comments by |
DCN012835/S | Pembridge, Z_Golden Cross 1998-2003, Moor Court Lyonshall Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3JZ | Erection of hay/straw and machinery storage. | Agricultural/Forestry Developments | Determination Made (Prior Approval Not Required) | Wednesday 14 November 2001 |
DCN010322/F | Lyonshall, Z_Lyonshall with Titley 1998-2003, Hern Cottage Sherriffs Lane Lyonshall, Kington, Herefordsh HR5 3JB | Restoration and extension | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Wednesday 17 October 2001 |
DCN011715/F | Lyonshall, Z_Lyonshall with Titley 1998-2003, Keepers Cottage Bullocks Mill Lyonshall, Herefordshire HR5 3SD | Extension to existing dwelling | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Wednesday 17 October 2001 |
DCN010021/TT | Lyonshall, Z_Lyonshall with Titley 1998-2003, Land At The Holme Lyonshall Kington, Herefordshire | Erection of a 12.5m high sectored column monopole tower, with 3 no. omni-directional antennas and 2 no. microwave dishes. Associated equipment cabin within fenced compound. | Telecom Developments (TT - 42 days) | Determination Made (Prior Approval Not Required) | Friday 14 September 2001 |
DCN010861/L | Lyonshall, Z_Lyonshall with Titley 1998-2003, Winton House Lyonshall Herefordshire HR5 3JP | Replacement of 3 windows, replastering external walls at ground floor level and repainting of the external doors. | Listed Building Consent | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Wednesday 17 October 2001 |
DCN010221/F | Lyonshall, Z_Lyonshall with Titley 1998-2003, 3 Burgage Bank Lyonshall Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3LJ | Proposed rear extension. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Wednesday 26 September 2001 |
DCN010919/F | Lyonshall, Z_Lyonshall with Titley 1998-2003, The Old Forge Lyonshall Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3JW | Detached garage | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Wednesday 19 September 2001 |
DCN011410/F | Lyonshall, Z_Lyonshall with Titley 1998-2003, Rosehill Bungalow Lyonshall Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3HR | Extension to living room. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Friday 6 April 2001 |
DCN012495/F | Lyonshall, Z_Lyonshall with Titley 1998-2003, Field Cottage Lyonshall Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3JB | Two storey side extension to replace existing single storey | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Monday 26 March 2001 |
DCN011456/TT | Lyonshall, Z_Lyonshall with Titley 1998-2003, Telephone Exchange Lyonshall Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3LS | Erection of a 12m high fake telegraph pole with equipment installed within the pole, 1 no. tri-sector antenna within pole, 1 no. equipmentcabin, 1 no. electricity cabinet at base of pole. | Telecom Developments (TT - 42 days) | Determination Made (Prior Approval Refused) | Monday 12 February 2001 |