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Showing planning applications 251 to 260 of 484 lyonshall View results as an RSS feed or download results as CSV file (Note that CSV files will not contain applications that are currently being validated)
Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
N122062/F Lyonshall, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Firs Cottage Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3LN Proposed extension and change of use of an existing garage/workshop into 2 bedroom let accommodation unit. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 4 September 2012
N111831/FH Lyonshall, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Lewiswych Lyonshall Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3JJ Proposed demolition of existing porch and erection of new porch and second storey rear extension. Full Householder Determination Made (Refused) Thursday 23 August 2012
N122047/H Lyonshall, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, The Heath Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3LN Removal of 130 metres of hedgerow at The Heath Farm, Lyonshall, Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3LN Hedgerow Removal Decision Made (Hedgerow Retention Notice) n/a
N121649/F Lyonshall, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Strathmore Barn field Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3HS Additional solar array Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 16 August 2012
N121561/L Lyonshall, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Upper Holme Farm Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3JU Proposed internal and external alterations and ground floor extension. Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 16 August 2012
N121559/FH Lyonshall, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Upper Holme Farm Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3JU Proposed internal and external alterations and ground floor extension. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Sunday 19 August 2012
N121388/F Pembridge, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Yeld Farm Yeld Lane Lyonshall Herefordshire HR5 3LY Agricultural building to house biomass boiler, associated woodchip storage for agricultural purposes Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 23 July 2012
N121455/FH Lyonshall, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Litfield House Farm Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3HX Single storey extension and two porches to front elevation Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 3 July 2012
N121379/F Lyonshall, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Land at the Royal George Inn Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3JN Two storey detached dwelling on part of beer garden and car park to public house Planning Permission Determination Made (Withdrawn) Thursday 28 June 2012
N121147/F Pembridge, Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015, Yeld Farm Yeld Lane Lyonshall Herefordshire HR5 3LY Sustainable Urban drainage system (SuDS)in the form of earthworks to provide a detention basin. The SuDS will attenuate stormwater flows from the poultry units approved in February 2012 (application no. N112894/F) Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 19 June 2012