Affordable Housing SPD 2021

Herefordshire Council has adopted an Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2 June 2021.

The SPD provides further guidance to support the implementation of the Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy policies, in particular SS2 Delivering new homes, H1 Affordable housing - thresholds and targets, H2 Rural exception sites and H3 Ensuring an appropriate range and mix of housing. It does not create new policy nor allocate further sites for development. The SPD replaces the affordable housing section of the 2008 Planning Obligations SPD and therefore should be used instead. The Housing SPD assists applicants and decision makers in the practical application of Core Strategy policy.

Having adopted the SPD, it is a material consideration for relevant planning applications.

The SPD covers a number of detailed matters including: local connections, affordability, viability matters, accessible housing and vacant building credit. There will be an annual update to the Technical data (Appendix 3) regarding up to date local information on house prices and incomes.

View the latest Technical data update below:

Herefordshire Council consulted on a draft of the SPD between 24 June and 5 August 2020. The responses received during the consultation were analysed and amendments were made to the SPD as necessary.

The draft SPD was screened as to whether or not a Strategic Environment Assessment, Sustainability Appraisal or Appropriate Assessment was required and an Appropriate Assessment was deemed necessary. The AA and SEA/SA determination statement was circulated to the statutory bodies who all responded with no objections.