Colleges and sixth form

Information about post-16 colleges is available through schools and colleges. Open days are usually advertised in the local newspapers and on the college and provider websites.

School sixth forms

If you attend a school with a sixth form, you can remain there for another two years. However, you're also entitled to attend other education or training establishments instead.

Herefordshire has two high schools with sixth forms (for 17 and 18 year old students), which offer A-levels and also, in some cases, vocational qualifications:

Sixth form college

Herefordshire has one sixth form college, which offers a range of A-level and vocational qualifications:

Colleges of further education

There are a number of local colleges in Herefordshire and the neighbouring counties, offering a wide range of courses which will lead to academic and vocational qualifications:

Specialist provision for students with learning difficulties and disabilities