Senior management team

Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service)

The Chief Executive of Herefordshire Council is Paul Walker.

The Chief Executive is the senior officer who leads and takes responsibility for the work of all directly employed staff of the council.

The role of the Chief Executive includes:

  • Leadership: working with elected members of the council to ensure strong and visible leadership and direction. Encourages and enables managers to motivate and inspire their staff to meet agreed objectives and outcomes to improve the quality of life for the people of Herefordshire
  • Strategic direction: ensuring that all employees understand and adhere to the strategic aims of the organisation and follow the direction set by the elected members and the senior management team
  • Policy advice: acting as the principal policy adviser to the elected members of the council on the development of workable strategies to help deliver any political objectives set by the councillors
  • Partnerships: leading and developing strong partnerships with other public services, businesses and voluntary groups across the local community to improve the quality of life and offer better public services for the people of Herefordshire
  • Operational management: overseeing and co-ordinating financial and performance management, risk management and change management within Herefordshire Council

The council consists of three directorates:

Community Wellbeing Directorate

  • Corporate Director: Hilary Hall
    • Service Director All Ages Commissioning: Hayley Doyle
    • Service Director Communities: Lesli Good
    • Director of Public Health: Cate Carmichael
    • Head of Service Transformation: Emma Evans

Children and Young People Directorate

  • Corporate Director: Vacant
    • Service Director Education, Skills and Learning: Liz Farr
    • Service Director Safeguarding, Quality Assurance and Improvement: Victoria Gibbs
    • Service Director Safeguarding and Family Support: Rachel Gillott
    • Interim Corporate Director: Tina Russell

Economy and Environment Directorate

  • Corporate Director: Ross Cook
    • Service Director Highways and Transport: Mark Averill
    • Service Director for Economy: Roger Allonby

Corporate Centre Directors

  • Director of Governance and Legal Services: Claire Porter
  • Director of Finance (s151): Rachael Sanders
  • Director of HR and OD: Tracey Sampson
  • Director of Strategy and Performance: vacant

Structure chart and contact details

View the senior management team structure chart and contact details - please note, this file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. To request an accessible version, email