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Showing planning applications 81 to 90 of 931 'weobley' View results as an RSS feed
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Application number | Site address | Description | Type | Status | Comments by |
P223635/K | Weobley, Weobley, Maple Hurst Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SN | One Willow tree( numbered 1 on sketch map) to be felled as it is dying and has a completely hollow trunk. New tree ( Rowan) will be planted in the same place or close to it to replace it. | Works to Trees in a Conservation Area | Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) | Wednesday 30 November 2022 |
P223592/XA2 | Weobley, Weobley, April Cottage 5 Broad Street Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SA | Application for approval of details reserved by condition 3 attached to Listed Building Consent 221361. | PP - Approval of details reserved by condition | Determination Made (Approved) | n/a |
P222949/F | Weobley, Weobley, Land at Weobley Wildlife Meadows Nature Reserve Meadow Street Weobley Herefordshire HR4 8QS | Creation of a pond with a timber dipping platform to allow children to pond dip. The pond will be 16m x 20m, with varying depth of up to 1.5m. The dipping platform will be 7m x 4m, overhanging the pond by 4.5m. to include a 'kissing gate' and footpath. | Planning Permission | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Thursday 17 November 2022 |
P222819/K | Weobley, Weobley, The Stables Broad Street Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SA | Fell Ash tree. | Works to Trees in a Conservation Area | Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) | Thursday 15 September 2022 |
P222818/K | Weobley, Weobley, The Bear 9 Broad Street Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SA | Reduction of Birch tree to maintain good structure. | Works to Trees in a Conservation Area | Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) | Thursday 15 September 2022 |
P221866/FH | Weobley, Weobley, 18 Burtonwood Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SU | Excavate existing lawn/garden area, reinstate with stone binder courseand porous surface course. Kerb/edge to retain surfacing. Reduce kerb and pavement to allow access to new driveway. | Full Householder | Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) | Friday 16 September 2022 |
P222537/K | Weobley, Weobley, Nurses Cottage Hereford Road Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SW | To fell 1 Ash tree and crown thin 1 variegated Maple. | Works to Trees in a Conservation Area | Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) | Tuesday 23 August 2022 |
P222516/F | King's Pyon, Weobley, Land South of Orchard Cottages Ledgemoor Road Weobley Herefordshire | Residential Development of 1 no. dwelling. | Planning Permission | Valid (Undecided) | Thursday 6 October 2022 |
P222515/F | King's Pyon, Weobley, Land North of Orchard Cottages Ledgemoor Road Weobley Herefordshire HR4 8RL | Residential development of 2 no. dwellings. | Planning Permission | Valid (Undecided) | Monday 12 September 2022 |
P222400/K | Weobley, Weobley, Brook House Bell Square Weobley Hereford Herefordshire HR4 8SE | Removal of Holly bush in right hand corner of garden with branches over neighbouring properties. Removed to replace fence, new trees to be planted once garden has been landscaped. | Works to Trees in a Conservation Area | Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) | Monday 15 August 2022 |