Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

General information
Number DS990366/RM
Historic Reference Number SE1999/1259/R
Current status Determination Made
Decision Approved with Conditions
Appeal decision
Type Approval of Reserved Matters
Location Barns And Yard Off Lane Leadin Treworgan Farm Llangrove, Ross-On-Wye, Herefo HR9 6HB
Proposal Demolition of part of existing stone barn and erection of agriculturalworkers dwelling and carport
Parish Llangarron
Ward Z_Doward 1998-2003
Easting/Northing 351244.5 - 219427.5
Case officer Steven Holder
Applicant name Wallis Farms Ltd
Applicant address Treworgan Farm, Llangrove Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire
Publicity date Friday 7 May 1999
Comments by Tuesday 13 July 1999
Application dates
Date received Friday 16 April 1999
Date validated Friday 16 April 1999
Consultation start date Friday 7 May 1999
Consultation end date Tuesday 13 July 1999
Decision date Friday 9 July 1999
Target determination date Friday 11 June 1999
Name Mr Colyer
Organisation name Herefordshire Council (Transportation)
Address Kemble House - H17
Date consulted Friday 7 May 1999 
Name Mr Colyer
Organisation name Herefordshire Council (Transportation)
Address Kemble House - H17
Date consulted Monday 10 May 1999 
Name Mrs J A Bailey
Organisation name Llangarron PC
Address Pyrus Cottage Grove Farm Road Llangrove Herefordshire HR9 6EN
Date consulted Friday 7 May 1999 
Name Mrs J A Bailey
Organisation name Llangarron PC
Address Pyrus Cottage Grove Farm Road Llangrove Herefordshire HR9 6EN
Date consulted Monday 10 May 1999 
Name Mr Eastwood
Organisation name Herefordshire Council (Public Rights of Way)
Address Bath Street - H12
Date consulted Friday 7 May 1999 
Name Mr Eastwood
Organisation name Herefordshire Council (Public Rights of Way)
Address Bath Street - H12
Date consulted Monday 10 May 1999 
Name Mrs Hall
Organisation name Environmental Health - Area 3
Address Bath Street - H12
Date consulted Friday 7 May 1999 
Name Mrs Hall
Organisation name Environmental Health - Area 3
Address Bath Street - H12
Date consulted Monday 10 May 1999 
Name Mr Owen Morgan
Organisation name Open Spaces Society (South)
Address 2 Woodside Cottages Welsh Newton Monmouth NP25 5RS
Date consulted Friday 7 May 1999 
Name Mr Owen Morgan
Organisation name Open Spaces Society (South)
Address 2 Woodside Cottages Welsh Newton Monmouth NP25 5RS
Date consulted Monday 10 May 1999 
Name Mr Morgan
Organisation name The Ramblers
Address 2 Woodside, Welsh Newton Monmouth Gwent NP5 3RS
Date consulted Friday 7 May 1999 
Name Mr Morgan
Organisation name The Ramblers
Address 2 Woodside, Welsh Newton Monmouth Gwent NP5 3RS
Date consulted Monday 10 May 1999 
Name Cllr Mrs Ruth Lincoln
Organisation name
Address Hedera House, Llangrove Road Whitchurch, Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 6DQ
Date consulted Monday 10 May 1999 

Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

Relevant documents

There are no documents associated with this planning application.

Planning Application Details