Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

General information
Number P240422/F
Current status Valid
Appeal decision
Type Planning Permission
Location Land to the East of Hereford South of Ledbury Road (A438) Hereford
Proposal Outline planning application for the demolition of existing buildings and structures and the erection of up to 350 dwellings (including affordable housing), a farm shop and café, employment workspaces, and land for a potential primary school, along with associated parking, access roads, walking and cycling routes, public open space, landscaping, sustainable urban drainage and other associated works, site clearance and infrastructure. All matters reserved except for the primary vehicular site access via the A438.
Parish Hampton Bishop
Ward Backbury
Easting/Northing 353747 - 240007
Case officer Ollie Jones
Agent name Mr Nick Matthews
Agent address Savills Embassy House Queens Avenue Bristol BS8 1SB
Applicant name STL Group
Applicant address C/o Agent
Publicity date Friday 15 March 2024
Comments by Wednesday 17 April 2024
Application dates
Date received Monday 12 February 2024
Date validated Tuesday 12 March 2024
Consultation start date Friday 15 March 2024
Consultation end date Wednesday 17 April 2024
Target determination date Friday 20 December 2024
Name Mr Julian Cotton
Organisation name Herefordshire Council
Address Archaeological Advisor
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Housing Partnerships
Organisation name Housing Partnerships
Address Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0XH
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Waste and Minerals
Organisation name
Address Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane Offices Plough Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 7 June 2024 
Name Mrs Ruth Jackson
Organisation name Herefordshire Council (Parks/Countryside)
Address Plough Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Mr Oliver Kaye
Organisation name Built and Natural Environment
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Mr James Bisset
Organisation name Herefordshire Council
Address Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane Offices Plough Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Nigel Koch
Organisation name Built and Natural Environment
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Ms Debra Lewis
Organisation name Built and Natural Environment
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Miss Charlotte Bevan
Organisation name Waste Operations
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Ms Katy Jones
Organisation name Herefordshire Council
Address Transportation H37 Plough Lane H37
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Mrs Yvonne Coleman
Organisation name Herefordshire Council (Planning Obligations)
Address Planning Obligations Manager Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name EH Commercial
Organisation name Environmental Health
Address 8 Herefordshire Council St Owen Street Hereford Herefordshire HR1 2PJ
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Forward Planning - H26
Organisation name Forward Planning - H26
Address Plough Lane P. O. Box 4 Hereford Herefordshire HR4 0XH
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Emergency Planning Officer
Organisation name Emergency Planning Officer
Address Shirehall (Resilience Team) St. Peters Square Hereford HR1 2HY
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Wye Valley NHS Trust - The Wilkes Partnership LLP
Organisation name C/O Leenamari Aantaa-Collier
Address 41 The Wilkes Partnership LLP Church Street BIRMINGHAM B3 2RT
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group
Organisation name Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group
Address St Owen’s Chambers 22 St Owen Street Hereford HR1 2PL
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Organisation name River Lugg IDB
Address Epsom house Chase Park Redhouse Interchange Doncaster DN6 7FE
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Land Drainage
Organisation name Balfour Beatty Living Places
Address Unit 3 Thorn Business Park Rotherwas Hereford HR2 6JT
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Ms Karen Lambourn
Organisation name Hereford and Worcester Fire Service
Address 109-113 Hereford Fire Station St Owen Street Hereford Herefordshire HR1 2JP
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Mr David Howerski
Organisation name Open Spaces Society (South)
Address The Gables Honeymoor Lane Eaton Bishop Hereford HR2 9QW
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Organisation name Asset Management Team (Midlands & East)
Address Regent House - NHS Property Services Ltd Heaton Lane Stockport SK14 1BS
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Ms Jill Addis
Organisation name Public Rights of Way Development Officer
Address Balfour Beatty Unit 3 Thorn Business Park Rotherwas Industrial Estate HR2 6JT
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Economic Development Unit
Organisation name Economic Development Unit
Address Council Offices Plough Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Herefordshire Wildlife Trust
Organisation name
Address Queenswood Country Park and Arboretum Leominster Herefordshire HR6 0PY
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Welsh Water (Planning Consultation)
Organisation name Dwr Cymru Welsh Water - Developer Services
Address P.O. Box 3146 Linea Fortran Road Cardiff CF30 0EH
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Active Travel England
Organisation name
Address West Offices City Business Ctre Station Rise York YO1 6GA
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Mr Wride
Organisation name The Ramblers Association
Address 98 Gorsty Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR1 1UN
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Ms Sarah Buffrey
Organisation name Children and Young People (Education)
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Mr Graeme Irwin
Organisation name Environment Agency
Address Hafren House Welshpool Road Shelton Shrewsbury SY3 8BB
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Historic England
Organisation name Casework Assistant
Address Historic England The Axis 10 Holliday Street Birmingham B1 1TG
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Natural England
Organisation name Operations Delivery
Address Consultations Team (Natural England) County Hall Spetchley Road Worcester WR5 2NP
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Mrs L P Wilcox
Organisation name Hampton Bishop PC
Address 5 Croome Close Hereford Herefordshire HR1 1UY
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Mr Richard James
Organisation name Lugwardine PC
Address The Beeches Edwyn Ralph Bromyard HR7 4LY
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Karen Davis
Organisation name Hereford City Council
Address 10 Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall St Owen Street Hereford Herefordshire HR1 2PL
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Cllr Jim Kenyon
Organisation name Tupsley
Address 88 St Owen Street Hereford Herefordshire HR1 2QD
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Cllr Graham Biggs
Organisation name Backbury
Address c/o Governance Support, Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Cllr Ivan Powell
Organisation name Hagley
Address c/o Governance Support, Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 15 March 2024 
Name Mr James Bisset
Organisation name Herefordshire Council
Address Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane Offices Plough Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR4 0LE
Date consulted Tuesday 21 May 2024 

Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

Relevant documents

Application Form (2)

Decisions (1)

Supporting Documents (50)

Drawings (8)

Correspondence (7)

Representations (1111)

Planning Application Details